How to convert .FDR file to readable excel format or .CSV format

Siebel process generates an .fdr file also known as Flight data recorder file when ever there is a crash or a dump. FDR file is created in binary format with process information. SARMQuery utility can be used to convert the .fdr file to a readable .csv file.

Command to convert the .fdr file to .csv file:

Sarmquery –input T201206271617_P006840.fdr -output fdr=mycsvfile.csv

Getting ahead of the curve using competitor Information

The competitive intelligence process culminates with the analysis of the information gathered in the previous steps. This information may include such things as the characteristics of the companies and their organizational needs and strategies, financial data, expansion records, performance statistics, and future plans. Your analysis will enable you to use this information when developing competitive marketing strategies for your own company.

What is sfsutl, How Should SFSUTL.EXE be Used?

sfsutl.exe can be found in Siebsrvr\bin directory, in siebel versions 6 and older SFSUTL.EXE used to delte the orphan and old versions of attachments. in Siebel 7 and Siebel 8 a new utility called SFSCLEANUP has been introduced. sfsutl can be used to verify the integrity between database records and files in the Siebel File System, or to remove files from the Siebel File System that no longer have a corresponding database record. SFSUTL works in two modes: 1.

The Differences Between Sales and Marketing

Company executives are often very confident about their products, and will sometimes say that a product is so good, it sells itself. While the product in question may be good, as a rule, all products need a sales workforce to sell them.

Preparing to Make a Change

If you're thinking about making a change, and you lack direct authority, it is especially important that you know how to prepare for the change. Preparing for change when you lack authority involves four principle actions: clarifying the goal, thinking ahead, taking initiative, and expressing enthusiasm.

Making Changes by Giving and Taking

Linda is a marketing assistant at SellUThis, a company that sells market research reports via direct mail. Linda has only been with the company six months, but she already hates her job. There are too many administrative duties and not enough opportunities to be creative. But all that may change. Yesterday, Linda heard a rumor that SellUThis' copywriter, Rick, plans to quit in six weeks to travel the world.

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