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SQL Query to List All Active RCR jobs in Siebel CRM

PAR_REQ_ID "Job Id",
rpt_interval||' '||rpt_uom "Frequency",
siebel.S_SRM_REQUEST par,
siebel.S_SRM_ACT_PARAM aparam ,
siebel.S_SRM_REQUEST child ,
siebel.S_SRM_REQ_PARAM param
par.row_id = child.par_req_id
and par.req_type_cd = 'RPT_PARENT'
and par.STATUS = 'ACTIVE'
and child.status in ('QUEUED','ACTIVE')
and par.row_id = param.req_id
and child.req_type_cd = 'RPT_INSTANCE'
and param.ACTPARAM_ID = aparam.row_id
and aparam.NAME = 'Workflow Process Name'
group by par.row_id,param.value, par.rpt_interval||' '||par.rpt_uom
order by ACTL_START_DT desc;

clearing Siebel workflow instance monitoring log

clearing Siebel workflow instance monitoring log :


clearing Siebel workflow instance monitoring log

clearing Siebel workflow instance monitoring log :


Merging Siebel Enterprise Configuration Stores using cfgmerge

During configuration and upgrades of a Siebel application, it happens quite often that settings from one Siebel enterprise (the source) must be migrated to another Siebel enterprise (the target).

Most server administrators use a combination of spreadsheet, notes, scripts, good memory or bare luck and more or less modify the target configuration in a manual manner.

What does cfgmerge.exe do?

In a nutshell, it compares two siebns.dat files and creates a text file containing ‘change parameter’ commands for all parameters that have different values. The utility caters for parameters on enterprise, component definition, server and component level. After reviewing and (optionally) editing the file, you can use the srvrmgr.exe’s /i option to run the commands against the target enterprise. Please refer to the Siebel Bookshelf (Go Live Guide) for more information.

Let’s do a quick demo:

For the purpose of the demo, we will back up an existing siebns.dat file and then make changes to the enterprise configuration. Then we will use cfgmerge.exe to create an input file for srvrmgr.exe. Finally, we will execute the commands in the input file.

1. Backup the siebns.dat file

Of course, we use the ‘backup namesrvr’ command for srvrmgr (or the equivalent button if you are more into using the GUI) to create a valid backup copy of siebns.dat and name it old_siebns.dat.

2. Modify the configuration

Use srvrmgr commands (or the GUI) to change some server parameters.
For the sake of demo, I changed the server parameter ProposalReportTimeoutInSecond to a value of

3. Backup the siebns.dat file again

Use the backup namesrvr command again to create a second backup file. This time it goes by the name of new_siebns.dat.

At this point we have two versions of enterprise configurations. In real life this could be two releases of the same version or even different Siebel CRM versions as during an upgrade project.

4. Restore the old version

Shut down the enterprise, rename the siebns.dat file to any name you wish and copy and rename the old_siebns.dat to siebns.dat. Then startup the Gateway Name Server and Siebel Server again.

At the end of this step, you have the following:

a old_siebns.dat file
a new_siebns.dat file
an enterprise running with the old version

5. Run cfgmerge.exe

Open a command prompt, navigate to [gatewayinstalldir]/bin and launch the following command

cfgmerge -l language_code -i path_to_old_file,path_to_new_file -e oldEnterpriseName,newEnterpriseName -s oldServerName,newServerName -o path_to_output_file

Note that this is for creating the output file on the server level, if you omit the -s parameter the utility will generate a file for the enterprise level.

6. Inspect (and optionally edit) the output file

The output file contains one command line to change the parameter for each parameter that has a different value in the new siebns.dat file. If the parameter is system related, such as FileSystem, the command is commented with a semi-colon and a comment indicates that you could uncomment it if you so wish.

Other commands are not commented out. You might want to ad a semi-colon in front of them to avoid execution of the command.

7. Run srvrmgr with the cfgmerge output file as input

Backup the siebns.dat in your target system before you continue!

Issue the following command against your target system:

srvrmgr /g gatewayhost /e enterprise /u user /p password /s server /i path_to_cfgmerge_output_file

As a result, the parameters in the target system are changed to the values in the old siebns.dat version. You should of course cross-check for any error and undertake thorough testing afterwards.

8. What about new objects?

If you have created new component definitions or enterprise profiles (aka named subsystems), then the cfgmerge utility is not able to include them in the output file, because they do not exist in the target system. And here comes the trick: Use srvrmgr or the GUI to create the “header” of these objects with exactly the same name as in the source system before running cfgmerge. You do not need to edit all the parameters because they will be taken care of in the output file.

How Can Tracing Be Increased for the Siebel Object Manager?

generate a more detailed log file to assist in troubleshooting any Siebel Object Manager (OM) related behaviors. Increasing the event logging will provide information about the individual processes and steps that are part of that task. This information is especially useful when debugging performance, hang, memory leak, or crash behaviors.   NOTE: When you increase the Object Manager event logging levels, the log files will grow larger and require more disk space. Additionally, performance will be impacted as more detailed tracing is written to the log files. Therefore, you should monitor the disk space available under the Siebel Server's log directory and only increase the log levels while you are debugging a specific behavior or as instructed by Siebel Technical Support. You should reset the log levels to their default values when running in a production environment.                        By default in Siebel 7.x and 8.0, the Siebel component only writes header information and errors to the component log file. Log files are created in the log directory on the Siebel server and are named using the following format:   <Component_Alias>_%Task_Id%.log   For example:   SCCObjMgr_enu_7204.log   There are a number of event types available to increase the amount of information logged. This FAQ does not attempt to detail all of them but details the most useful ones and those that have specific relevance to the Siebel Object Manager component. The table below lists the most commonly used ones and their recommended values:  

Event Type AliasSiebel VersionLog LevelEvent Description 
MessageFlowXX4Messages exchanged between the OM and Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE)
ObjMgrSessionInfoXN/A4View/Applet (pre-Siebel version 7.5) and User Session login, logout and timeout information   NOTE: For additional information about this event type, refer to FAQ 1964.
EventContextXX4View/Applet Information and User Actions, in other words, NewQuery, ExecuteQuery, Drilldown   NOTE: For additional information about this event type, refer to FAQ 1964.
ObjMgrDataObjLogXX*5Data Manager object tracking, in other words, creation, use, and deletion of Database Connections, SearchSpecs, SortSpecs, Cursors.

* This event is not available in Siebel 8.1 or later.
ObjMgrLogXX5General OM events: Load license, open SRF, errors, etc.
ObjMgrBusCompLogXX4Business Component related events: create and delete
ObjMgrBusServiceLogXX4Business Service events: create, delete, methods invoked, etc.   NOTE: For additional information about this event type and how it was used, refer to Alert 941.
MainThreadXX4Task counter, Task creates and exits (in main Multi Threaded Server log)
TaskEventsXX4Task creation, context, session timeout and close info
SQLParseAndExecuteXX4SQL Prepare, Execute, Bind variables, etc.
ObjMgrSqlLogXX4/54 ‑ SQL statements, bind variables, timing information.   5 ‑ Search and Sort spec values, Join definitions.   NOTE: To avoid potential adverse behaviors from setting this event type, refer to Alert 945.
SQLProfilingXX4SQL Profiling information. Helps aid in the diagnosis of a poorly performing component.
SQLSummaryXX4/5SQL Prepare, Fetch and Execute times. Provides detail information regarding the execution of a SQL statement.
SQLSlowQueryXX4SQL Performance – lists 10 slowest performing queries

  NOTE: This document covers only the important events related to the Siebel Object Manager components.   There are other events that can be turned on for other Siebel components like Siebel Workflow, Siebel EAI, etc. For more information about these events, refer to Siebel Bookshelf version 7.5.3 > Siebel Server Administration Guide > Event Logging Administration > Events and Event Logging.   From Siebel versions 7.0.5 and 7.5.3 onwards, it is possible to see the SQL generated by the Siebel Object Manager to be sent to the Fulcrum Search Engine by setting the Generic Log event parameter. This can be set either using the srvrmgr command line or the Server Administration screens. Refer to the following section, Steps to Enable the Component Event, for details on viewing the SQL sent to the Fulcrum Search Engine.  

Steps To Enable the Component Event

  Using the Siebel Client (UI)   To change the event log level for a component, do the following:  

  1. In Siebel 7.x release, navigate to Site Map > Server Administration > Components > Component Event Configuration. In Siebel 8.x release, navigate to Site Map > Administration - Server Configuration > Servers > Events.
  2. Highlight the component for which you wish to turn the tracing on.
  3. In the lower applet, select the event type alias and set the log level. For example, to view the SQL sent from the Siebel Search Center to the Fulcrum Search Engine, set the Generic Log event parameter =4.

  NOTE: There is no need to stop and restart the Siebel Object Manager for the logging to take effect. You only need to start a new session connecting to the Object Manager.   Using the Srvrmgr Command Line Utility   To change the event log level for a component, type the following:   change evtloglvl <event_alias_name=level> for component <component_alias_name>   For example, to view the SQL sent from the Siebel Search Center to the Fulcrum Search Engine, type the following:   change evtloglvl genericlog=4 for comp <comp_alias_name>   You can also use % wildcard to increase logl evel to all parameters at same time           change evtloglvl %=4 for comp <comp_alias_name>   If you are using Siebel Call Center in English, the <comp_alias_name> would be SSCObjMgr_enu. For a list of Object Manager components and their aliases, refer to Siebel Bookshelf version 7.7 > Siebel System Administration Guide > Siebel Server Components and Parameters > Siebel Server Components.   The log file where this SQL will be generated to is the object manager log file in the Siebel server log directory.   An example of the SQL generated in the object manager log file:   GenericLog    GenericDetail    4    2003-12-12 12:36:49    Siebel Search:  Executing search.   The select statement is   SELECT     ROW_ID, SUMMARY, FILE_NAME, FT_DNAME, REVNUM,VIS_ID,     TEXT_READER, FT_TEXT_STATUS,TABLENAME(), Relevance(),     FT_ORIGINAL_SIZE, FULLNAME(),VIS_INFO, DESCRIPTION,     PRIVATE_FLG, TITLE, VERSION     FROM "FUL_LIT" WHERE     (FUL_LIT.VIS_ID IN  ('0-3P1KT') AND     (FUL_LIT.SALES_TOOL_TYPE <> 'Component')  AND     (FUL_LIT.SUMMARY CONTAINS  ~  'null'  OR     FUL_LIT.EXTERNAL_TEXT CONTAINS  ~  'null' )) ORDER BY 10 DESC

Is it possible to kill a session at the Database layer? Will the Siebel session be terminated?

he session can be killed at the Database layer, however the Siebel object manager's DB Connector will automatically perform a session reconnect :

Here is the session from Oracle's v$session table :

The columns are; logon_time, username, sid, serial#, osuser, program, process

02/26/2014 22:29:30 SADMIN 54 173 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM siebmtshmw.exe 5496:6032

Kill this session :

SQL&gt; alter system kill session '54,173,@1' immediate;

System altered.

Immediately, the DB connector calls reconnect and the session continues to run, using the same SID (54 in this case) :

02/26/2014 22:31:29 SADMIN 54 175 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM siebmtshmw.exe 5496:6032

Therefore the user session will persist for the user.

This reconnect feature is present, to help in situations such as;

- temporary loss of connectivity of the database for all users
- temporary network connectivity problem for a single user

So that the Siebel sessions are maintained.

Siebel SpellCheck Highlights the Wrong Text

Spell check functionality is not working properly. When invoking the Spell Check, it highlights the wrong text.

Spell Check is highlighting the wrong text, and we notice a partial highlight.

If a word with an incorrect spelling is encountered , the spell checker should highlight the complete word.


This defective behavior of Spell Check is caused due to HTMLEncoding.

Characters like

Less than (&lt;)
Greater than (&gt;)
Ampersand (&amp;)
Quotation mark(")

are HTMLencoded to "&lt;", "&gt;" ,"&amp;",""" and "'" respectively.

For example , from the below sentence
'We aren't the Oweners' =&gt; the total characters are 21.

Once sentence is HTMLEncoded apostrophe is encoded to #&amp;039; and so total characters are 26 - 'We aren#&amp;039;t the Oweners'

So, with encoding and without encoding the length of the string is different and position of the misspelled word also changes. Due to this reason spell check does not high light the misspelled word. Instead the highlight is on the wrong position/word.

If their email text doesn't contain any of the above characters like Less than (&lt;), Greater than (&gt;),Ampersand (&amp;),Quotation mark("),Apostrophe('), then the spell checker would function normally.


This has been fixed from Siebel Fix Pack version onwards.

Additionally we would need to add environment variable SpellCheckLevel1=true to make this work properly. Set the environment variable on all Application and Web Servers


Please review Configuring System Environment Variables :

Siebel Spell Check Functionality Escapes HTML Tags

Spell check functionality changes HTML to jumbled text

The Spell Check is on many pages and if HTML tag are inserted, Spell Check functionality escapes HTML tags.

This has been tested in Message Catalog (Main Menu > PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Message Catalog):

If you enter:
Text: Test Message Catalog
Converted to: Test Message Catalog

But if you have (Removing spaces between HTML tag and alphabets)
Text: Test Message Catalog
Converted to: %3CI%3ETest Message Catalog%3C/I%3E

Spell check functionality should not convert characters.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Go to Main Menu > PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Message Catalog.
2. Add new Value, Message Set Number 10001 (or any unused Message Set Number) and click Add.
3. write Message Catalog Test in the description text field.
4. Do a Spell Check, notice that the HTML tags get escaped.
5. Ignore each warning and click OK.
6. Do not save and sign out of the system.

The issue has the following business impact: Due to this issue, users having trouble composing e-mails for applicants .


the issue is caused by the use of the 'escape()' javascript function in the PT_SC_JAVASCRIPT HMTL object definition
ODM Cause Determination
when testing in a local environment, once the escape() function is removed from the code, the spell check functionality worked.



1. Open PT_SC_JAVASCRIPT HMTL definition in Application Designer.
2. Find the function GetRevisedText(errPos).
3. inside that function find the following line:
spellCheckHTML += escape(this.spellCheckText.substring(this.errorPos[i].pos, this.errorPos[i].pos+this.errorPos[i].len));
4. Comment out that line and paste the following under it.
spellCheckHTML += this.spellCheckText.substring(this.errorPos[i].pos, this.errorPos[i].pos+this.errorPos[i].len);
5. It should look like this:
// spellCheckHTML += escape(this.spellCheckText.substring(this.errorPos[i].pos, this.errorPos[i].pos+this.errorPos[i].len));
spellCheckHTML += this.spellCheckText.substring(this.errorPos[i].pos, this.errorPos[i].pos+this.errorPos[i].len);
6. Save the definition.
7. Test if the issue persists.

IE Back Button Error On Search Screen Cause Screen Freeze

Siebel CRM After executing a search from within a Screen Home Page view and going back via IE Back button, a script error occurs and siebel screen freezes only way to recover is to log out from siebel and log back in.

Error Message:
Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
Line: 1
Char: 2
Code: 0
URI: http:///callcenter_enu/start.swe?SWECmd=GetViewLayout&amp;SWEView=Account%20Screen%20Homepage%20View&amp;

By following these steps the issue can be reproduced:

1. Go to Account Home Page.
2. Add new record and hit the Add&amp;Go button. The application navigates to the accounts list view.
3. Hit the browser's Back button. (You might have to hit it twice, depending on whether the browser history contains a spurious item labeled "___" as it occurred with the test system on the support lab machine.)
Observe that the application does not navigate back to the home page view; instead, the script error occurs. (You might need to double-click the exclamation mark in the bottom-left corner to open the script error.)
Open the Developer Toolbar, go to Scripts and observe the same message in the console.
Click on the SWECmd hyperlink. Observe the described HTML appearing in the source window to the left.

Root Cause:

The issue is caused by known limitations of history management and back button functionality in pre-HTML5 browsers. Siebel high interactivity client in Internet explorer 8 can not handle the ViewUINotLoaded() is a function of applicationcontext.js, which is specific to Open UI.


There is no functional workaround, as the issue is caused by the limitations of standard browser functionality. some time hitting F5 or browser refresh will help.

As an administrative workaround, advise the users to click the desired screen tab when the error has occurred. This allows to navigate back to the desired home page view. Users who are aware of the issue can also click the screen tab instead of using the back button, to avoid the error entirely.

This issue does not exist in Open UI. The HTML5 standard provides proper history management (including a standardized History API), thus giving Web applications like Siebel Open UI advanced control over the browsing history and the back and forward buttons. This feature does not exist in earlier HTML versions. Therefore, as a mid-term solution for this issue, consider migrating to Open UI.

Why Are User Preferences Not Migrated After Upgrade From Siebel 7.x to 8.x?

In Siebel version 7.x and higher, saved user preferences such as columns displayed and column size settings are stored by the Siebel application in .spf User Preference files. For users on Siebel Mobile or Siebel Dedicated Web Clients, User Preference files are saved by default on the local client machine in the SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\bin directory. For users on Siebel Web Clients, User Preference files are saved in the "userpref" subdirectory of the Siebel File System. In Siebel version 6.x, saved user preferences and user settings are stored in .pre and .ssf files. For more information about these files, review Document 476422.1 What information is contained in the Siebel.pre and Siebel.ssf files?

The IssueThe format of the .spf files containing saved User Preferences is different between Siebel versions.  Product Management has officially stated that migration of User Preference files from one major release to another is not supported. However, customers can try migrating these files at their own risk.Workaround SolutionThe current, officially supported workaround solution is for customers to reset their User Preferences after the upgrade is completed.  In other words, delete .spf file and users set their user preferences again.Keywords: user, preferences,lost, missing, upgrade


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