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Siebel Admin

symptoms of a hanging SRBroker

 File attachments can not be accessed anymore

 CTI requests not working

 Asyncroneous jobs run through SRProc are not processed

 WfProcMgr is not running any workflows

Siebel default Database encryption in 8.1.1.x is changed to RSA-SHA1 from SIEBELHASH.

Siebel default Database encryption in 8.1.1.x is changed to RSA-SHA1 from SIEBELHASH.

Siebel has replaced the SIEBELHASH alogorithem used in version 7.5 to new RSA-SHA1 algorithem in version 8.1.1.x, if you don't want to use the new default RSA-SHA1 algorithm following parameters needs to be updated for databse security adapter (DBSecAdpt) profile configuration. Change the DataSourceName parameter to the name of the applicable data source e.g: ServerDataSrc, set DSHashUserPwd parameter to TRUE and DSHashAlgorithm parameter to SIEBELHASH.

Also make sure SRBroker and SRProc component that connect to DB directly without referring ServerDataSrc, set the hashed password at the server component level.

srvrmgr> change param password="hashed password value for SADMIN" for comp SRBroker
srvrmgr> change param password="hashed password value for SADMIN" for comp SRProc

As 8.1.x gateway server uses database authentication following changes are required to use the server admin screens.
1. Update ServerDataSrc section of gateway.cfg in gtwysrvr\bin directory with DSHashUserPwd = TRUE, DSHashAlgorithm = SIEBELHASH
2. update Gateway Datasource under profile configuration with

  • User Password Algorithm (DSHashAlgorithm) -> SIEBELHASH
  • Hash User Password (DSHashUserPwd) -> True
  • Default username password (DSPassword) -> <sadmin plain text password>
  • Data source default user name (DSUsername) -> sadmin

3.Restart Gateway and Siebel Server services

What is sfsutl, How Should SFSUTL.EXE be Used?
sfsutl.exe can be found in Siebsrvr\bin directory, in siebel versions 6 and older SFSUTL.EXE used to delte the orphan and old versions of attachments. in Siebel 7 and Siebel 8 a new utility called SFSCLEANUP has been introduced. sfsutl can be used to verify the integrity between database records and files in the Siebel File System, or to remove files from the Siebel File System that no longer have a corresponding database record. SFSUTL works in two modes: 1. verify or report 2.move or delete. 1.Verify or Report Mode: To use the utility in verify or report mode, enter a command string similar to the following: sfsutl /u sadmin /p sadmin /c siebsrvr_siebel /d dbo /f e:\siebfile /x c:\sfsutl_output.txt The output from this command could be easily imported into Microsoft utilities like Excel or Access for sorting and manipulation. See below for sample output from this command. There are three key statuses to note: •Keeping - The file corresponds to a database record. •Discard - The file does not correspond to a database record, and would be moved or deleted if sfsutl were run in that mode. •Missing - An expected file does not exist for a database record. 2.Move or Delete Mode: To use the utility in move or delete mode: 1.Create a separate or new folder (this will be used by sfsutl when moving the discarded files). It is recommended that users do not create this new folder as a subfolder of the existing Siebel File System. For example, if the Siebel File System is in e:\siebfile then create the new folder as e:\siebfilediscards. 2.Enter a command string similar to the following: sfsutl /u sadmin /p sadmin /c siebsrvr_siebel /d dbo /f e:\siebfile /m e:\siebfilediscards /x c:\sfsutl_output.txt
Resolving Siebel High Interactivity problems

Siebel applications are divided into two categories based on the graphical users interface (GUI), High Interactivity Applications and Standard interactivity application.

High interactivity application run only on Windows client desktops because these applications use a frame work called Siebel high interactivity frame work.

Read More: Scripting High Interactivity vs Standard Interactivity

Customer facing application, which needs to support maximum number of browsers, uses standard interactivity frame work, which is based on the HTML 4.01 and CSS level 2.1 standard.

Siebel high interactivity frame work is a set of .dll files registered on the windows client desktop. Each version of Siebel has a different DLL file, for example Siebel uses SiebelAx_HI_Client_21233.dll file, the number at the end of dll file indicates which internal version it belongs.

Can Multiple Siebel versions coexist?

You can have multiple Siebel high interactivity frame work installed on the same machine. Multiple versions of DLLs can coexist with out causing any issues. For example you can have and Siebel High interactivity frame work as the DLL names are different, for its SiebelAx_HI_Client_21215.dll, where as for Siebel DLL name is SiebelAx_HI_Client_21233.dll, and Siebel application knows which one to use.


Pick applets and MVG applet comes up blank and some times causes the IE crash.

How to fix issues with problems:

Major issue with high interactivity frame work is caused by corrupted DLL file, in this case you can delete the high interactivity frame work by following below steps, and you need admin rights to perform below steps.

  1. Open "C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files" folders in the windows explorer
  2.  Locate "Siebel High Interactivity Frame work" which has status field as "Damaged" (any status other than "Installed").
  3. right click and select delete
  4. try to logon to the Siebel application, high interactivity frame work will be downloaded automatically,  Siebel will prompt that its missing then select "Autofix" and then click "Run".


High Interactivity looks ancient are there any new updates?

Oracle is developing a new GUI technology frame work called "Open UI", which dose not require any ActiveX or DLL files on the client desktop and still provides better usability of Siebel application.

Why are missing any tasks ID data in Srvrmgr command List tasks output?

Prior to v8.0, when a task is started, the task info will occupy a 'task slot' in the shared memory of the Siebel server. This task will stay in the shared memory until the task is completed. Once a task is completed, it will stay in the shared memory until all of the 'task slots' are used up. Over time, older completed tasks will be purged from the shared memory to make room for storing new running tasks.

This is the reason why some of the completed tasks will be gone from your 'list task' command once the task is complete.

Starting in v8.0, all these tasks slots are moved from the shared memory into the heap space of each component process. We also introduced a new feature that can persist all the tasks info into a database table: S_SRM_TASK_HIST. This table can be purged periodically by the SvrTblCleanUp component. By moving the tasks slots out of the shared memory, we can accommodate more processes/tasks on the same server, thus improving scalability.

Note that there will be entries in the S_SRM_TASK_HIST table only if task history is enabled and the SvrTaskPersist component is running without any problems on that Siebel server.

Server Tables Cleanup component failing - deadlock trying to delete records from s_srm_request

"In Siebel version 7.7, the SRProc component has a new parameter called Enable Various Housekeeping Tasks (Parameter alias = EnableHouseKeeping). This parameter is similar to the previous parameter in Siebel version 7.5.x and earlier called DeleteOldReqs. You should leave the default value of False for the EnableHouseKeeping parameter alias, otherwise both the SRProc and ServerTableCleanup components will try to clean up the same tables and cause potential deadlock type behaviors."

No problem if you disable the Server Tables Cleanup in all the servers and let only one running. This one will delete the S_SRM_REQUEST rows created in all Siebel Servers.

Should Siebel Administrator Notification and other components be enabled on all servers?

we have 5 load balanced siebel application servers in production. Should we continue to enable the following components on all 5 servers or just having them enabled on one server is sufficient?

1. Siebel Administrator Notification Component
2. Server Tables Cleanup
3. Task Log Cleanup
4. Server Task Persistence


1. Siebel Administrator Notification Component - This is used to notify the administrator in case problems are detected with Siebel server and running components. If this is disabled on a Siebel server, then that Siebel server will not be able to report any problems on that server. If you want the notification functionality then you will need to leave this component enabled on each server.

2. Server Tables Cleanup - It is our recommendation that you only have this component enabled on one Siebel server. You can run into a deadlock problem if this is enabled on multiple servers. This problem is detailed in "Server Tables Cleanup component failing - deadlock trying to delete records from s_srm_request" and you can review that post for further details.

3. Task Log Cleanup - This works in a similar method as to the Server Table Cleanup and while there have been no problems reported with multiple instances of this, it should be fine to have this enabled on a single Siebel server and disabled on the others.

4. Server Task Persistence - This one is a bit trickier and is really more of a choice for you depending on what functionality you need. In the past OM task status was maintained in memory. This allows task status to persist when the past would have lost that information once the task was completed and the task "slot" was reused. What this allows is to keep a record of those tasks by persisting all the tasks info into a database table: S_SRM_TASK_HIST. This table can be purged periodically by the SvrTblCleanUp component.

'Server Task Persistence' is used to populate component tasks info into the S_SRM_TASK_HIST table (new in v8.0). This table is used to persist all the server tasks info (eg. component alias, task id, start time, end time, status, etc.) for easier diagnosis. This table is used by the 'Diagnostic Tool' as well as by the 'Oracle Enterprise Manager - Siebel Management Pack'. If customers want to use these features, then they should have this component enabled. This component should be very efficient, with minimal impact to the system. In general, we strongly recommend customer to enable the 'SystemAux' component group.

So the answer to item 4 above depends on the functionality you want or can do without

LDAP password policy parameters supported in Siebel

Not all the LDAP password policy attributes are supported. Below are for your reference.

* Reset password upon next login
* Password Expiration Warning
* Password Expiry Time
* Password Failure Count Interval
* Password Maximum Failure
* Minimum Number of Characters of Password
* Number of Numeric Characters in Password
* Number of Password History
* Password Illegal Values

Monitoring Siebel CRM application using RUEI Oracle Real User Experience Insight.

Oracle has introduced new monitoring tool for siebe administrators to monitor and resolve the issues well before the users calling about the problem.

RUEI has following features:

Geo-location Reporting

Enterprise Manager console data presentation

Executive dashboards

Extensive KPI and SLA monitoring

Full alerting capabilities

Replay of Full User Sessions

Integrated Diagnostics

User Flow performance analyses

Customized reporting

Trend analyses

Full data integration with Oracle business Intelligence

Finding the cause of a slow Siebel Repository File (SRF) compile with Siebel Tools

A full SRF compile usually completes in under an hour for the standard Horizontal and Industry repositories. Many times developers report that a full SRF compile is very slow and is taking a significantly longer time. The following suggestions can help narrow down what is causing the slow performance when compiling a new SRF file.

1. Set up Dedicated Web Client logging for Siebel Tools.

The Siebel_Log_Events environment variable will create a SIEBDEV.LOG file in the Siebel tools log directory. This log file documents the sql used when Tools is compiling a new SRF. The file includes the sql statements, their timings and timestamps. Review the siebdev.log file for slow sql timings and large timestamp gaps. Please review this metalink document for more information on Dedicated Web Client logging.

How Should Client Side Logging Be Set?

How to enable server side logging?

. Narrow down the scenario where the SRF compilation has slow performance.

Possible causes for the slow performance could be the network, the server database, or the specific repository. It is helpful to know under what conditions the SRF compile is slow and where it is fast.

Is the slow compile for all developers or just some?

Is the SRF compile slow when connected to the local or the server database?

Does the slow compile performance happen for all of the server databases or just dev, test or production?

This is to see if the slow compile is specific to one database. In this case, comparing the SIEBDEV.LOG files from a fast and slow compile can help confirm what is slow.  If the slow srf file is specific to a database, have the statistics been updated recently?  If the SRF compile is slow for the server or the local database, verify that the statistics have been collected recently.

Where is the server database and where are the local developers?
If the slow performance is for local developers on a specific machine, verify the network performance is good.

Is there antivirus software running when the SRF is being compiled?   Is the  SRF files or the Siebel Tools install directory excluded from the anti-virus checking?  Antivirus software running in the Siebel Tools installation directory is the most common cause of slow SRF compiles.  Try compiling the srf to a network drive that is known to be excluded from the antivirus processing. 

If compiling a specific repository is slow, verify if the repository was recently moved to that database or if there have been large changes to that repository recently.

3. Does the database have many repositories in the local or server database?

A large number of repositories in the Siebel tables can slow down local and server SRF compiles. Test compiling in a local or server database with a few repositories in the Siebel tables. For example, try compiling a new SRF from the production database, which should have one production repository in the Siebel tables.

4. The following documents discuss product defects that can cause slow SRF compile times.

There are some unexpected performance behaviors when compiling with Siebel Tools 8.0 with the ST eScript Engine enabled.

In general, when encountering a slow SRF compile time, first review the SIEBDEV.log file.  Then verify under what conditions the SRF compile is slow.  If the full compile takes longer than an hour, then narrow down the scenario where the full compile is slow. 

The following is an example of a 7.7 siebdev.log file (c:\sea\tools\log\siebdev.log file) where the slow compile was caused by anti virus software scanning the Siebel Tools directories.

Review the log file to find the time stamp gaps.  This is a log from a single applet object compile that took nine minutes.



ObjMgrBusCompLog Delete 4 0 2011-03-22 15:27:19 BusComp "Repository Application Toolbar" at 179a37b8 was deleted

ObjMgrBusCompLog Delete 4 0 2011-03-22 15:27:19 BusComp "Repository Page Tab" at 17caec30 was deleted

ObjMgrBusCompLog Delete 4 0 2011-03-22 15:27:19 BusComp "Repository Toolbar" at 17c0d868 was deleted

ObjMgrBusCompLog Delete 4 0 2011-03-22 15:27:19 BusComp "Repository Toolbar Item" at 17960868 was deleted

ObjMgrBusCompLog Delete 4 0 2011-03-22 15:27:19 BusComp "Repository System Activity Object" at 17c93930 was deleted

***ObjMgrBusCompLog Delete 4 0 2011-03-22 15:33:44 BusComp "Repository Index" at f1f2d18 was deleted

ObjMgrBusCompLog Delete 4 0 2011-03-22 15:33:44 BusComp "Repository Index Column" at f0c12c0 was deleted

ObjMgrBusCompLog Delete 4 0 2011-03-22 15:33:44 BusComp "Repository Column" at f13a190 was deleted

FDRLog FDRDetail 4 0 2011-03-22 15:33:44 Total # Buffer Wraps = 8

FDRLog FDRDetail 4 0 2011-03-22 15:33:44 Last Wrap Duration = 391 secs

FDRLog FDRDetail 4 0 2011-03-22 15:33:44 Next Absolute Record ID = 16128
0 2011-03-22 15:33:44 Business Service 'Siebel Tools Object Compiler' invoke method 'Start' Execute Time: 395.755 seconds.

ObjMgrBusServiceLog InvokeMethod 4 0 2011-03-22 15:33:44 End: Business Service 'Siebel Tools Object Compiler' invoke method: 'Start' at c1fd9b8

ObjMgrBusServiceLog Delete 4 0 2011-03-22 15:33:44 Business Service 'Siebel Tools Object Compiler' was deleted at c1fd9b8

***ObjMgrBusServiceLog Delete 4 0 2011-03-22 15:36:29 Business Service 'Siebel Tools Server Debugger UI' was deleted at 1fa37e8

ObjMgrLog Info 3 0 2011-03-22 15:36:29 (modpref.cpp (922)) SBL-DAT-50808: SharedFileWriter: C:\sea77\Tools\bin\JO_CMS&Siebel Tools.spf_IT10120013X_2176_3840: Unlink succesfull.


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