What are the various Enterprise Integration Manager Interface Table Keys and do they need to be populated

There are three types of keys present for Siebel interface tables. They are User Key, Required User Keys, and Non-Required User Keys. Before performing an Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) process, it is very important to examine which columns are defined as User Key columns, which are Required User Keys. User keys cannot be updated using EIM. EIM can be used to update non-user key columns only based on user key columns.


Why is the SQL not traced in the EIM tasks log file despite setting SQL Trace Flags to 8?

This happens when the Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) component's Component Event Configuration - SQL Tracing Event Type log level value is not set to 4.

Set the Component Event Configuration for the SQL Tracing Event Type to 4 in order to enable SQL tracing. For 7.0.x, the defaulted value is not 4, and need to be set explicitly.

 For version 7:

It has a default value of 1, which means it only writes events of "severity" level of Informational (1) or more severe.

Handling Data Dependencies in EIM using IFB Files

In a typical data migration application using EIM, the IFB file contains a large number of sub-processes, which are called from the main process (SHELL). Often while running the EIM process, there are situations, when we would like to run only a sub set of these processes. Such situations normally arise in testing environments, when we prefer running only those processes for which testing needs to be performed.

Using Error and Trace Flags in EIM Error handling

The settings for the TRACE FLAGS, SQL TRACE FLAGS and ERROR FLAGS can be specified either from the GUI or from the Command Prompt when starting an EIM task.

If the EIM process is being run from the GUI, then the flags can be set in the COMPONENT REQUEST PARAMETERS list in the COMPONENT REQUESTS View of the Enterprise Operations Screen.

How to Resolve Siebel EIM Errors

When migrating data using the EIM, the process can fail due to several reasons. In certain cases, it is found that the EIM process was successful for migration into some of the Base tables, but failed for some other base tables. In other cases, records get imported into the base tables, but some of the columns fail migration. This section discusses the various causes of EIM failure, how they can be tracked and finally resolved.

Creating Siebel ROW_ID through EIM

The unique identifier associated with every record in Siebel Enterprise databases is known as a Row ID. The column in which this value is found is ROW_ID and it is present on every table. The ROW_ID is unique for an entity. For example, the ROW_IDs for the same person in S_PARTY, S_CONTACT, and S_CONTACT_X are the same because they each refer to the same person.

How to Populate User Keys and Required Columns using Siebel EIM

It is mandatory to load the required columns of the base tables. If one or more required fields are missed, then the EIM process will fail to load the base table and generate the REQUIRED_COLS error status. To identify which are the required columns for a base table, the following query can be used:

Is it Possible to Update the User Key using EIM

Using EIM task user cannot normally update User key attributes of the base table. However, there are some special interface tables EIM_ORG_EXT_UK and EIM_PROD_INT_UK that can be used to update user key columns for some key tables S_ORG_EXT and S_PROD_INT.

Updating user key columns using EIM task with these special tables will not update denormalized columns. For example, updating S_ORG_EXT.LOC will not update S_ACCNT_POSTN.ACCT_LOC AND S_ORG_BU.ORG_LOC.

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