How Can Data From A Base Table Be Deleted, While Leaving Rows That Were Not Fully Imported Earlier For Further Examination And Correction?

9 February 2025

Primary associations can be set using the Primary Flag; for example, in EIM_ACCOUNT there is an ACC_PR_POSTN column that is defaulted to “N”, but when set to “Y”, EIM will attempt to update the Primary Position in the relevant account in S_ORG_EXT.PR_POSTN_ID. 

This new functionality enables users to process in one batch one account and its associated positions, and set one position explicitly as primary. It also enables users to update the primary position of an account, if the account already has a primary position.

 In Siebel 2000, Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) now supports explicitly primary fields.

To populate the Primary Id field of a base table, set the corresponding EIM table column to 'Y' and populate the required columns and other columns related to the Primary field.

For example:

 1. In order to populate the Primary Personal Address Id for a contact, populate all necessary fields to import Contacts and `their addresses thru EIM_CONTACT in the base tables S_CONTACT and S_ADDR_PER. Set the CON_PR_PER_ADDR field to 'Y' in EIM_CONTACT for the record that need to be set as primary.

When multiple addresses are associated with a contact, the address information along with contact data will be populated by EIM in the S_CONTACT and S_ADDR_PER base tables. EIM then defines as primary address for S_CONTACT, the address that has CON_PR_PER_ADDR ='Y' set in EIM_CONTACT.

2. In order to populate the Primary account address for an account, populate all necessary fields to import accounts and their addresses in the base table S_ORG_EXT and S_ADDR_ORG. Set the ACC_PR_ADDR field to 'Y' in EIM_ACCOUNT while importing accounts and their addresses using the base table S_ORG_EXT for the record that need to be set as primary.

When multiple addresses are associated with an account, the address information along with account data will be populated by EIM in the S_ORG_EXT and S_ADDR_ORG base tables. EIM then defines as primary address for S_ ORG_EXT, the address that has ACC_PR_ADDR ='Y' set in EIM_ACCOUNT.

For Siebel v7, please refer to Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide at the following location: Siebel Interface Tables > Interface Table and Column Mappings > Explicit Primary Mappings.
