When extending a custom column in Siebel 8.X which have case and accent insensitive (CIAI) enabled, running EIM mapping wizard creates corresponding mapping in EIM table.
The challenge was to find out which OS user, through which DB login and from which machine the table has been locked and the type of lock that has been applied.
Through EIM process we load bulk amount of data from an external system to Siebel base tables. The performance of these EIM jobs has to be maintained at optimum levels in order to reduce the load on the Siebel application and database servers.
When loading data through EIM process, we normally use Pl/SQL procedures to fetch and process huge volume of records and then load the data to EIM Interface tables.
What is EIM EIM is a data loading tool that reads data from EIM tables (staging table) and Inserts/Updates/Deletes data in/from Siebel base tables. Why EIM tuning is importantData conve
Normally, User key updationare not possible through EIM except for few entities, of which Product is one. Here is a useful information to update one of the user key columns for Product (Product NAME for instance) through EIM.
An IFB file is nothing but a EIM configuration file which is an ASCII or Unicode (Binary) text file of extension type .ifb. IFB stands for Interface Batch.
An IFB file consists of two main sections namely:Header Section: The .ifb file begins with a header section to specify global parameters that apply to all process sections.