TYPE: This parameter specifies the type of process being defined (IMPORT, EXPORT, DELETE, MERGE, or SHELL). A shell process uses the INCLUDE statement to invoke a sequence of processes in a single run.
A merge process deletes one or more existing rows from the base table and ensures that intersecting table rows are adjusted to refer to the remaining rows.
The order in which legacy data is imported is critical to make sure that relationships between dependent data elements are established correctly. Siebel interface tables do not map one-to-one with Siebel target database tables.
When migrating data to or from Siebel Base tables, one of the main tasks is to identify the Interface table that would be used in the EIM process. There are cases in which a base table can be loaded from more than one EIM Interface tables.
Some base tables like Note tables do not have user keys. Since user keys play a vital role in migration of data using EIM, the EIM behavior is significantly different in case of Base Tables without user keys.