How to Display Photo Image for a Contact?

In order to display photo image / picture for a contact, the same configuration as in Immigaration Contacts screen should be done.

In Contacts screen, drilldown on a contact and navigate to "Photographs" view tab. In this view, you can add number of photo images to the contact and set one as primary, which needs to be displayed. This photo set as primary can be viewed in "Immigration Info" view tab.

How to implement File Browse Functionality?

How can one achieve the requirement to provide a button named "Upload File", and when user clicks it, a file browse window should open, allowing user to select a file and perform an upload of this file in its original format to Siebel File System?

Conditional View based on a field value

The user should have access to Opportunity Quote View depending of the Opportunity Sales Stage : if Sales Stage is A then the view is not available, if the Sales Stage is B, the view is available. 

Case Insensitive and Accent Insensitive Queries

When the case insensitive and accent insensitive (CIAI) query feature is implemented, database queries you perform in the Siebel application ignore both case and the use of accents to return records that otherwise match the query criteria. This capability is important when searching for records such as contact or customer names.

How to Use the DB2DB Command Line Utility to Restore the Appidx.mdx to the Original Conditon Created by Documaker Workstation

The reindex command line utility can be used to fix a corrupted appdix.mdx, but it changes the displayed order of a second field, when multiple records with the same policy number are displayed.  
1. Respectively rename appidx.dbf, appidx.mdx to appidx1.dbf, appidx1.mdx
2. Create a dummy fsisys.ini 
3. Execute "db2dbw32.exe /I=fsisys.ini /ST=appidx1 /SD=appidx.dfd /TT=appidx /TD=appidx"
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