Table Lock in Oracle

The challenge was to find out which OS user, through which DB login and from which machine the table has been locked and the type of lock that has been applied.

Situation: Application performance issue; Table Lock

Solution:  Two options to find out,

1.      Lock query: Sample query and sample output.

EIM Column Extension in Siebel 8.x

When extending a custom column in Siebel 8.X which have case and accent insensitive (CIAI) enabled, running EIM mapping wizard creates corresponding mapping in EIM  table. After which running an EIM job will cause the job to fail with the following error

 "SBL-EIM-00205: NULL target table for relation!" followed by "Failed to load the application dictionary"

Root Cause :

Loading Attachments in to Siebel through EIM (Enterprise Integration Manager)

This article is written to demonstrate how attachments can be migrated through EIM from source into target Siebel system. This document gives you an overview of loading attachments in Siebel, various entities in which attachments can be tied, processes involved in loading through eim, etc, Also, at the end of this document there is a case study available in loading attachments against Accounts through EIM.

SQL Server Integration Services

Microsoft SQL Server provides a completely new enterprise extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) platform called SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) that ships with the features, tools, and functionality to build both classic and innovative kinds of ETL-based applications.

Trillium Data quality Solutions

Trillium provides an end-to-end Total Data Quality solution.  For this specific project, Siebel accesses Trillium via the Trillium Connector API.  The Trillium client running on the Solaris server cleanses the data.

The Trillium Software™ Data Quality Connector for Siebel provides a seamless integration of Trillium Software System® Data Cleansing and Matching modules with the Siebel Enterprise Application 7 suite of products.

William James Time Saving method

“Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.”
—William James

It always helps to know where your time is going. So, keep track of how you spend your time for two weeks. Sound dull? Boring, maybe? So cut it down to a couple of days. Surprise! Most of your log will show you’re investing your time in people or things not really important to you or your goals.

Ken Blanchard Method for managing time

“It is better to strike a straight blow with a crooked stick than spend my whole life trying to straighten the darn thing out.”

—Ken Blanchard

Now hear this! Never say “yes” without considering the time investment you are committing. Having the courage to say “no” to requests that are inappropriate or unnecessary could be your most effective time management tool!

175 Ways to Get More Done in Less Time

Excellent book on time saving tips -

Few sample tips from the book to convince you to have it in your collection-

“Hey, you got a minute?” That’s a question, not a demand. Don’t get angry with the interrupter if you answered, “Sure!” to their question. General rule: If you cannot eliminate the interruption, make the interruption as short as possible.

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