Establishing Goals and Objectives

One of your first tasks when building a team is to establish team goals. Typically, you can do this in one of two ways. You can establish the goals yourself, or you can elect to take a collaborative approach and involve your team's members.

A collaborative approach can help to build a stronger team in several ways:

Top 3 Barriers to Effective Listening

The top 3 barriers to effective listening are distractions, misinterpretations and attachment to personal beliefs and values.

These barriers can prevent you from getting or understanding the message you are hearing.

1. Distractions

We get distracted by what is going on outside (our surroundings) and inside ourselves.

What’s outside that distracts us while trying to listen to someone? Noises, temperature, or what other people are saying or doing.

EIM Tuning - Reference

What is EIM

EIM is a data loading tool that reads data from EIM tables (staging table) and Inserts/Updates/Deletes data in/from Siebel base tables.

Why EIM tuning is important

  • Data conversion process is often underestimated and becomes bottleneck reaching go-live date.
  • The slow initial data conversion could result into large amount of delta updates to catch-up.
  • The incremental data loads – if not tuned and tested pro

Managing the Development of a Project Team

Managing your team during each of the stages of team development can be a challenge. Each stage will require different skills and strategies for motivating team members, making decisions, delegating authority, and dealing with conflict.

The stages of team development are sequential and developmental. Each stage has issues that must be resolved before the team can move to the next stage. An effective project manager recognizes the stage a team is in, and manages accordingly.

Delivering an Effective Presentation

Being able to deliver successful presentations is a valuable management skill. Getting your message across effectively is crucial and can have an impact on both your credibility and your work.

You may have to make presentations to senior managers on behalf of your team, or to outside organizations on behalf of your company. In either case, you will be expected to perform well.

Reviewing the Impact of External Environment - STEP Analysis

Businesses do not operate in isolation. Managers need to understand the impact that the surrounding business environment has on their own organization.

Managers can use the STEP (social, technological, economic, and political) model to help identify the factors in the broader environment that will affect their business. This model groups the factors into these categories:

Making a Good First Impression

A positive first impression can't guarantee that someone will like you, or that you'll always form a successful or profitable business relationship. But a good first impression can help you optimize that important first contact with a potential networking partner.

The tendency to quickly form lasting first impressions is part of human nature. This is because a first impression establishes the framework within which a person's subsequent actions and behavior will be judged.

Becoming a Good Communicator

It's not what you say, it's how you say it. Research shows that the most effective leaders are good communicators. They have learned to give clear instructions, listen to questions and suggestions, and keep people well informed. Research also shows that good communication promotes:

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