Motivate Employees by Addressing Individual Needs

Being responsible for a team means that a manager has to be aware of what motivates others. This is another area in which your new role may differ considerably from your old one.

It is not enough to tell your team members what to do and expect them to do it. To be really effective, you must appreciate that they have to derive satisfaction from their jobs.

How to Deal with a Blamer

Everyone makes mistakes. In fact, human error can occur in an almost infinite number of ways. But at work, individuals who are experienced and knowledgeable are expected to anticipate negative outcomes and avoid them. When workplace errors inevitably occur, employees have two choices: accept responsibility or play the "blame game."

Managing Your Career in an American Organization

In the United States, career management is typically the responsibility of the individual. This can be challenging for employees new to the US who are unfamiliar with the norms and expectations that typically dictate professional advancement. Understanding what career management means is the first step toward managing your career effectively.

Establishing Guidelines on a Team

When building a new team, an obstacle you, as the team leader, will face is expectations and behaviors not conducive to team work – especially if your team is diverse or competitive. You can overcome these challenges by establishing guidelines for team conduct early on in the team-building stage. This will improve your chances of building a unified team.

Learn why seeking clarification about expectations is vital

Your team is simply a group of individuals brought together to achieve a goal. And each individual on that team may have different expectations of what has to happen to reach that goal. When you're working on a team, it's important to clarify expectations about the nature of each person's involvement in reaching the goal. This means making sure everyone understands team roles and responsibilities. Put simply, people should know what to do, and how to do it.

Characteristics and Actions of an Innovation Leader

No matter where they're found in an organization, innovators are a vital part of a company's structure. They keep the organization focused on the future. Innovation leaders are often the people who really push their company to develop a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Creating Your Own Leadership Development Plan

In the first stage of creating a leadership development plan, you assess yourself and your environment, establish your vision, and plan to overcome obstacles. In the second stage, you determine how to achieve your vision. To do this, you'll need to set goals, objectives, and actions.

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