Explore how reframing enables you to think differently about organizational change.

It's often easy to identify the downside in change. But the problem with this type of attitude is that it doesn't help you face the future. Change won't go away, so you need to adopt a positive perspective to better come to terms with it.

A creative strategy named "reframing" allows you to gain a more positive perspective on change. First you identify current beliefs and values around a particular issue – your frame of reference for dealing with a particular situation.

Discover ways to proactively capitalize on new opportunities after change

When you're proactive about organizational change, you regain a sense of control and can get the passion back into your work life.

Regain a sense of control

By defining your new role in the change process, you gain a real say in what you do at work. Taking initiative helps you feel more in control and decisive action helps you regain some control in your working life.

5 Keys to Successfully Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

For most people, an important part of work life is interacting with others. Breaks and socializing with colleagues are important too.  Interruptions can eat into the time you need to spend getting your work done, making you less productive and more stressed. Work Life Balance and Handling Interruptions at work is very important part of being successful.

In a typical office, interruptions come from a variety of sources:

Building strategic relationships with key peers

Having beneficial professional relationships with your peers requires more than simply doing your jobs side by side in the same office. A level of trust and communication has to be established before you can make social trades with people who can help you achieve your goals. In terms of advancing in your career, building strategic relationships with key peers ranks alongside expertise and experience in importance.

Discover the value of networks in successful peer relationships

Trust is an essential element in any collaborative or mutually beneficial relationship. When you trust your peers and they trust you, it becomes easier to share information and work together. You can openly discuss successes and failures, learn from one another, and rely on one another for support. Trust exhibits several traits. These include

10 Key Guidelines to use Internet and cell phone use at work

Using your cell phone on campus is often the best way of keeping in touch with your friends and classmates. However, in the business world, inappropriate cell phone use can be annoying and disruptive for your colleagues, and be a waste of your company's time. Using correct cell phone etiquette, however, can help you project a more professional image – it demonstrates that you're considerate and know how to treat others in the office with respect.

Identify the qualities of an effective mentor

Imagine that you and several others have been shipwrecked on an island. Only one person in your group can speak the same language as the locals. Like the island spokesperson, a mentor is a compassionate person who influences your fate. A mentor is someone with a great deal of experience and influence in a chosen field who helps and guides your – the protege's – professional or career development. A mentor can, but does not have to, work for the same organization that employs you.

handle the major stresses of managing

Being a manager can be stressful. You are responsible for the work of others, you need to achieve company objectives, and you do not always have the resources or control that you would like.

However, understanding what may be causing you stress will make it easier for you to identify ways of alleviating it.

Develop tomorrow's managers using these five key points.

In today's global economy, you have to use new strategies to develop the next generation of managers – managers who are adaptable and global-thinking. Tomorrow's managers will be faced with unprecedented competition from the global market and changes in the way work is accomplished. In addition, they will have more to manage and broader responsibility than ever before.

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