How do I populate the PR_PROD_LN_ID column in the S_PROD_INT base table

Complete the following procedure:

 To populate the PR_PROD_LN_ID column in the S_PROD_INT base table

Populate the S_PROD_INT base table using the EIM_PROD_INT interface table.

Populate the S_PROD_LN base table using the EIM_PROD_LN interface table, and the S_PROD_LN_PROD base table using the EIM_PROD_INT1. You need to populate the S_PROD_INT base table before the S_PROD_LN and S_PROD_LN_PROD base tables so that the PROD_ID key is resolved appropriately.

We successfully imported most of our interface table rows and want to delete them. However, we want to leave rows that were not fully imported so that we can examine and correct them. How can we do this?

Each interface table imports data into one or more target base tables.


Each interface table includes a separate temporary column that contains a status code for each base table into which it has imported data. The names of these columns are contractions of the target base table name.

Does EIM support importing data from ACT?

You can only use EIM to import bulk data from legacy systems into the Siebel database. Only ACT! 2.0 and ACT! 3.0 have File/Import functionality for data import into Siebel. You can use “Exporter for ACT!” to export ACT! 4.0 or 2000 Contacts, Notes/History, Activity, Group, Sales and E-Mail data into commadelimited files. For information on ACT! products, visit their website at

What columns in each interface table are mandatory in order for a row to be loaded? What must their values be? Which columns (such as foreign keys) are validated against other tables?

Several columns are mandatory. Others are conditionally mandatory, depending on the conditions of your import. Your Siebel application offers two methods for determining mandatory columns. You can use Siebel Tools to view each column in an interface table and its target base table columns. You can also refer to Siebel Interface Tables Reference. By adhering to Siebel’s recommended import sequence, you make sure that the appropriate data dependencies are established.

Does EIM support case values

Yes, EIM supports various case values defined for base table columns in Siebel Tools. EIM will adjust the case value of an interface table column according to the Force Case property of the corresponding base table column.

How should users relate two PARTY Objects (example: Accounts and Contacts) in Siebel when importing data using Enterprise Integration Manager

The S_PARTY table is the parent of many Person or Organization related objects in Siebel. For example, S_CONTACT, S_ORG_EXT, S_POSTN, S_EMP_PER are all child objects of S_PARTY.

Relationship between two different PARTY objects, example: Account and Contact or Employees and Positions is stored in the intersection table S_PARTY_PER. For example, if an Account has three different contacts then there will be 3 records in the S_PARTY_PER table.

What should be done when Enterprise Integration Manager fails with message “This is a foreign key value in the base table and the values in the interface table did not resolve to existing values”?

Integration Manager (EIM) reports the following low-severity error when the foreign key value in the base table does not match with value in the interface table (Note: The following example is based on Siebel version 7.0.4 data model):


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