DataStage Interview Questions and Answers,Solution and Explanation - Part 8

What is merge and how it can be done Please explain with simple example taking 2 tables?

Is it possible to run parallel jobs in server jobs?

What are the enhancements made in Datastage 7.5 compare with 7.0

If I add a new environment variable in Windows, how can I access it in Datastage?

What is OCI?

Is it possible to move the data from oracle ware house to SAP Warehouse using with Datastage Tool.

How can we create Containers?

DataStage Interview Questions and Answers,Solution and Explanation - Part 5

What is the importance of Surrogate Key in Data warehousing?
Ans :
Surrogate Key is a Primary Key for a Dimension table. Most importance of using it is it is independent of underlying database. i.e Surrogate Key is not affected by the changes going on with a database

What does a Config File in parallel extender consist of?
Config file consists of the following. a) Number of Processes or Nodes. b) Actual Disk Storage Location.

DataStage Interview Questions and Answers,Solution and Explanation - Part 3

Does the selection of 'Clear the table and Insert rows' in the ODBC stage send a Truncate statement to the DB or does it do some kind of Delete logic.
There is no TRUNCATE on ODBC stages. It is Clear table blah blah and that is a delete from statement. On an OCI stage such as Oracle, you do have both Clear and Truncate options. They are radically different in permissions (Truncate requires you to have alter table permissions where Delete doesn't).

DataStage Interview Questions and Answers,Solution and Explanation

How did you handle reject data?
Typically a Reject-link is defined and the rejected data is loaded back into data warehouse. So Reject link has to be defined every Output link you wish to collect rejected data. Rejected data is typically bad data like duplicates of Primary keys or null-rows where data is expected.

Forecasting External Environmental Elements

Strategic decision-making requires anticipation of and preparation for the future. One way to plan is through forecasting. Accurate forecasting of external environmental elements is essential for successful strategic management. To identify future environmental changes, opportunities, and threats, take the steps outlined below.

1. Select the environmental variables that are critical to your firm.

Business analysis techniques

Often there are several different methods a business analyst could use to complete a task. Each method for completing a task is called a technique.

Techniques also provide information about the different forms that a task's output might take. For example, some techniques might produce outputs in a form that the business analyst will use to deliver information to stakeholders, such as a status report or a process checklist.

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