What is Technical Writing

Try this exercise and you will see that the above question is really problematic. Search the web for “what is technical writing” and you will get a variety of definitions. These can be categorized as follows:

What is a Document?

Technical writing results in the production of a document. This is a wide term. However, in technical writing we will use the term “document” to define the specific output of a technical writing Task or Project.

Here are some characteristics of this term:

1) A document is a text written to achieve a specific purpose. This purpose shall be defined in the next section.

2) A document can be in hard copies (printed form) or can be in electronic form.

The Five Prime Investor Skills

Learning to evaluate value – being able to know with a high degree of accuracy and certainty the intrinsic value of an investment

The best way to learn to understand value is to be in a niche for a while and looking at a lot of deals, both as a buyer and as a seller. There is no better way to learn to be a better buyer then to get involved from the seller perspective and vice versa.

Investment Myths

"In turbulent times gold or precious metals is a great investment." -- WSJ article

"Junk bonds are risky." --Opportunity in BB rated bonds. (default rate approximately 1.5% compared to default rate on BBB (which are “investment grade" bonds) which is approximately 1%. So the chance of default goes up by half a percent, but the yield on the bond is 1-2% higher!

"The key to investing success is to find a great advisor and let them invest for you."

Oracle Stored Procedure output parameter does not works in eScript

When invoking an Oracle Stored Procedure, if it is invoked using VB Script, the output parameter works as expected. If invoked using eScript, the output parameter does not get updated.Create a Stored Procedure.Set up a test to execute each of the scripts. The VB script returns the value, the eScript does not.

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