Is it possible to kill a session at the Database layer? Will the Siebel session be terminated?

he session can be killed at the Database layer, however the Siebel object manager's DB Connector will automatically perform a session reconnect :

Here is the session from Oracle's v$session table :

The columns are; logon_time, username, sid, serial#, osuser, program, process

02/26/2014 22:29:30 SADMIN 54 173 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM siebmtshmw.exe 5496:6032

Kill this session :

SQL> alter system kill session '54,173,@1' immediate;

System altered.

How to make MVG applet read-only

To make the MVG applet read-only, you could use the "Parent BC Read Only" user property.

You have two business components with parent - child relationship as following.

Parent BC: Opportunity Product
Child BC: AB Oppty Supplementary Card Details

Configuring SSL Cipher Suites on Weblogic Server

Cipher suites play an integral part in establishing secure communications between a client and server using the SSL/TLS protocol. Cipher suites determine the ciphers to be used, the key exchange algorithms as well as message authentication codes.

Siebel SpellCheck Highlights the Wrong Text

Spell check functionality is not working properly. When invoking the Spell Check, it highlights the wrong text.

Spell Check is highlighting the wrong text, and we notice a partial highlight.

If a word with an incorrect spelling is encountered , the spell checker should highlight the complete word.


Siebel Spell Check Functionality Escapes HTML Tags

Spell check functionality changes HTML to jumbled text

The Spell Check is on many pages and if HTML tag are inserted, Spell Check functionality escapes HTML tags.

This has been tested in Message Catalog (Main Menu > PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Message Catalog):

If you enter:
Text: Test Message Catalog
Converted to: Test Message Catalog

Calfresh Program - Food Stamps for low income students

The CALFRESH program is for low-income households and provides your family with a debit card to purchase food. The website below lists the income levels to qualify for this

program here in San Diego County: " stamps/income limits.html"

There are links at the above website that can answer any specific questions you may have. College students are eligible for this benefit under certain circumstances.

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