EIM with Informatica


PowerCenter can load data to base tables in Siebel using Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) tables. Siebel EIM tables, also known as interface tables, are database tables that reside in a relational database. They act as staging areas between PowerCenter and base tables in the Siebel database. You use the Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager to load data from the EIM tables to the Siebel database. 

Suppress Scripting Error Code

Suppress Scripting Error Code Scenario  :Suppress the Siebel error code appearing at the end of error message. By default a scripting error is appended with the error code which can be confusing to the end user.


Solution  :


1)    Navigate to Administration - Application -> System Preferences

2)    Query for System Preference Name = 'Suppress Scripting Error Code'

Siebel Repository tables

Siebel Repository tables


Siebel Repository refers to set of tables in which Siebel object definition and scripts are stored. These tables store meta data about Siebel Objects and also contain the configuration information shown in Siebel Tools


S_APPLET     : Stores Siebel Applets information

S_BUSCOMP  : Stores Siebel Business Component Information

S_FIELD       : Stores all the Field details


Siebel Patch Installation sequence

Follow the below sequence in installing the Siebel Patch.
1. Stop the services in the server
2. Install the patch.
3.  Start the services.
4.  Perform application testing.

Siebel Patch UnInstallation

Hosting a Siebel offline page using IIS URL Rewrite module

For customer facing Siebel applications you need to host the offline page when the application is down and you’re fixing issues or doing recycles. Your customers may get annoyed by seeing the message like “The server you are trying to access is either busy or experiencing difficulties. Please close the Web browser, open a new browser window, and try logging in again. [16:18:44] “to avoid this you need to host an offline page.


Uninstalling the Siebel 8 patch from local client and tools

To uninstall the patches from local client and tools follow belwo steps:

  1. Set home directory set ORACLE_HOME=C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2
  2. List applied patches: opatch lsinventory
  3. Uninstall: opatch rollback -id <patch number>

Actual step execution in command line:

1. Start run -> enter CMD click ok and then

cd C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\OPatch

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