Case Insensitivity & Accent Insensitivity (CIAI)

Using the Siebel Tools Version 8.0, Columns can be configured for CIAI, by easy to use Case Insensitivity UI wizard. This helps application users to query records irrespective of any case (Upper/Lower). E.g. to enable CIAI on column LAST_NAME of table S_CONTACT, follow the steps mentioned below.
·         Log in to Siebel Tools
·         In OE Select Table for S_CONTACT

Random Number Generation-Invoke a Service in DataMap

Sometimes data coming in inbound integration from external system cannot be uniquely identified.
One of the options is to use "SIS OM PC Service" business service in datamaps and the generated output row_id could be used as user key during the insertion. In the field map following expression is used:
InvokeServiceMethod("SIS OM PC Service", "Get Next RowId", "XYZ='12'", "RowId")

Interview Technique : Requirements Gathering Techniques

An interview is a conversation with stakeholders to elicit or validate needs and requirements.  An interview may include one or more stakeholders.  The interview may also involve a question and answer session used to discover other potential stakeholders and any discrepancies between needs; the high-level requirements derived from those needs; and the resulting detailed requirements.  Interviews facilitate obtaining approval from stakeholders on their needs, requirements, and any changes to t

Requirements Gathering Techniques

Requirements gathering techniques provide project team members with a choice of methods for eliciting needs or requirements from stakeholders and for validating requirements with stakeholders. Certain techniques are appropriate in gathering stakeholder needs, while other techniques are most helpful in defining high-level and detailed requirements, or validating detailed requirements with the stakeholders.

Performance and Scalability Benchmarking

Oracle’s Siebel Platform Sizing and Performance uses the following features:
Smart Web Architecture—Takes advantage of the newest Web browser technology to deliver a highly
interactive experience. The interaction model, which is similar to Windows-based applications, also improves
productivity. Utilization rates on the Web server are low, allowing customers to retain existing Web server


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