Effective Writing for Different Message Types

To write effective and appropriate business messages, you need to identify the purpose of your writing. Taking a few minutes to define your purpose can dramatically improve your writing. It will help keep you focused on the point of your message and the reaction you want it to inspire.

There are two questions you can ask yourself to help identify your purpose in writing a business document:

Using an Appropriate Tone in Business Writing

Analyzing your audience and the purpose of your message is the key to successful business writing. As well as helping you decide what content and how much detail to include, it helps you apply the right tone in your writing.

Tone refers to the style or manner of expression you use, in your speech or writing. Just like in a conversation, the tone you use in your writing affects the way a reader interprets and responds to your message.

Defining Your Target Audience

The characteristics of your readers

Four main considerations about your reading audience should guide your writing.

Size of your audience

It can be more difficult to write to multiple readers than to a single reader. If you have multiple readers, you should determine who your key readers are. Although you may include some extra explanation or definitions for other readers, this shouldn't become cumbersome for the key readers.

How can I hide the superfluous message in the “VBC error pop-up window“

When implementing a Virtual Business Component (VBC) based on XML Gateway and a Transport business service, an error handling routine can be defined in external application as follows:

<error-text>Name must not be empty</error-text>

How To Uncompress Files in the Siebel File System with the Original File Names?

The Siebel File System stores all file attachments in a compressed format with a proprietary naming convention. Neither Siebel InterActive nor the Fulcrum SearchServer can access or read these files directly. If either of these modules is used, maintain a copy of all file attachments in an uncompressed format in a separate directory accessible to SearchServer or Siebel InterActive.

How to split up the Siebel filesystem with sfspartition in Siebel 8

Bookshelf 8.0,
Siebel System Administration Guide > Siebel Server Infrastructure Administration > Administering the Siebel File System >
Partitioning the Siebel File System

is using wrong parameters - Change Request 12-1LMZIFJ
has been logged to correct this, but was closed without implementing changes in bookshelf, as it focussed on functionality issues.


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