How can users find differences in all interface tables between two repositories

1. Before using the utility, the user needs to create the view S_EIM_MAP_V in the database. The database platform independent script for creating the view is create_EIM_MAP_V.sql and can be found in <dbsrvr>\common directory.

 2. The executable utleimdiff.exe is in <tools>\bin directory. Switches for the program are as follows:

How are index hints used in an EIM process

Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) interacts with data objects (tables and columns) via SQL statements. How those queries are executed by the database in use is directly related to the EIM performance. Since optimization modes used by Siebel application differ among database platforms, index hints usages by EIM are different.

There are two EIM parameters related to index hints:


How should EXPORT MATCHES and DELETE MATCHES be used in Siebel?

The syntax of EXPORT MATCHES and DELETE MATCHES has been changed in version 7.x./8.x This information was not available in the Siebel Bookshelf.

The following are the correct syntax for the EXPORT MATCHES and DELETE MATCHES parameters:


If the interface table's target table is not S_PARTY:

- It allows syntax of:

How can users generate an Enterprise Integration Manager Log file in Siebel

In Siebel application, follow the steps below to generate an Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) detailed log file:

1. From User Interface, navigate to View > Site Map > Server Administration > Components

2. Select Enterprise Integration Manager as the component and choose the tab 'Component Event Configuration'.

3. Find the following 'Event Type':

SQL Tracing
SQL Summary
Task Configuration
Component Tracing.

Why are imported accounts not visible in Siebel 7 after the successful import using Enterprise Integration Manager

The account data need to be imported into S_PARTY, S_ORG_EXT, S_ACCNT_POSTN, and S_ORG_BU among other relevant tables. S_ORG_BU is a new table in Siebel 7 and must be populated for visibility in the "All Accounts" view.


Why is the Primary ID not populated during an EIM task even though the corresponding EIM mapping columns are appropriately populated in the Interface table

When encountering  the Primary ID not populated during an EIM task even though the corresponding EIM mapping columns are appropriately populated in the Interface table issue modify the IFB file to include the PRIMARY KEYS ONLY = TRUE parameter. This will force EIM to update only the primary key values like PR_POSTN_ID, PR_EMP_ID etc.

What values must be populated for PARTY_TYPE_CD, PARTY_UID and ROOT_PARTY_FLG columns in S_PARTY table using EIM

PARTY_TYPE_CD, PARTY_UID, ROOT_PARTY_FLG are the required columns in S_PARTY table which have to populated while doing an import of party records(like contact, position, etc.) using Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM). The following are the description of these columns and the possible values it can hold:



PARTY_TYPE_CD is used to indicate what type of party data is being imported. It can have the following values:

How are CREATED and CREATED_BY columns populated using EIM?

In standard Siebel applications, ‘CREATED’ and ‘CREATED_BY’ are system columns that will be automatically populated when importing data via EIM. The starting time of the EIM server task and login information of the employee starting the EIM server task populates these columns. There is no EIM mapping from the Siebel Interface tables to the CREATED and CREATED_BY columns in any of the base tables.


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