EAI HTTP Transport does not read the sleep time parameter from the enterprise or object manager settings. Instead, it defaults to 120 seconds internally (hardcoded). The default can be changed if you explicitly pass the value as input to the business se

 Siebel Application does not support REST web services on Siebel 8.0.x version, inbound .REST inbound web service support is GA in release more information on REST support please refer to this MOS posting:

How can we increase the default HTTP Sleep Time on outbound web service calls ?

EAI HTTP Transport does not read the sleep time parameter from the enterprise or object manager settings.
Instead, it defaults to 120 seconds internally (hardcoded).
The default can be changed if you explicitly pass the value as input to the business service.
There are a few different ways to do this for outbound web services and they depend on the version you are running.
Details can be seen at document :

Is it possible to add a searchspec to a child integration component when querying with EAI Siebel Adapter?

It is possible to add a searchspec to child integration components but some restrictions apply.
As seen in document "searchspec on integration Component (Doc ID 523483.1)" , you must also search on the parent.
Lets take the example of parent Accounts and child Contacts.

Why The DEP feature (Data Execution Prevention) must be turned OFF when using the Siebel Applications

The DEP feature (Data Execution Prevention) must be turned OFF when used with Siebel, as Oracle has not yet included the specialized code required to fully implement this feature. This may be done by unchecking the relevant box on the individual client browsers, or by using the Group Policy tools, or by using the relevant Vista control panel.

Siebel EIM Batch Size could have an adverse impact on Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Environments

In the "Advanced Usage" chapter of the Siebel "Enterprise Integration Manager and Administration Guide", it is recommended that batch sizes of 5,000 records or less be used. Running Enterprise Integration Manager Tasks with batch sizes greater than 5,000 records could result in a stalled Transaction Router or memory leak in Replication Agent server component when merging records into regional node database.


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