The NEON adapter for Siebel provides the capability to automate data transfers to and from Siebel 6 (2000) and Siebel 7 Enterprise Applications by leveraging current New Era of Networks (NEON) and Seibel Integration Objects.
The Adapter for Siebel Integration Service is commonly used for real-time interaction with Siebel. Siebel provides an object interface that exposes Siebel Object data and functionality to the Adapter for Siebel. The Siebel object interface is composed of Siebel business service methods that expose data and functionality to external programs, providing access to Siebel interface object, events, and associated data. The Adapter for Siebel uses the Siebel COM data server to access the exposed object interfaces. Note: The Deliver Adapter uses the COM data server and not the Siebel Object Manager.
The NEON Adapter for Siebel Integration Service does not need to be installed on the Siebel server, but must be installed on a machine on which the Siebel Client is installed, as the Siebel Client provides the COM interfaces
used by the Integration Service to interact with Siebel.
The NEON Adapter for Siebel is configured and controlled through the MMC (Microsoft Management Console), a user friendly interface, or through the command line. The adapter employs one design-time mode: Schema, and three
runtime modes: Deliver, Process and Acquire. The Process mode is not covered in this document. These modes are used to accomplish the following tasks
- Extract metadata from Siebel (Schema mode)
- Deliver data to Siebel (Deliver mode)
- Capture data from Siebel (Acquire mode)