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JMS Configurations

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Prerequisites
3.0 Configuring the JMS Transport
4.0 Setting up the JMS Receiver
Creating JMS Subsystems:
1. Receiver Connection Subsystem:
2. Data Handling Subsystem:
3. Activating the JMS Receiver
1.0  Introduction
This document lists the detailed information and steps to be carried out the configuration of Java Message Service in Siebel. It includes the prerequisites for the JMS set-up and its implementation in Siebel.
2.0 Prerequisites
In order to implement a Java business service, the following software must be installed and properly configured on each Siebel Server:
■ A Java Runtime Environment.
■ All necessary Java code.
■ A configured named subsystem of type JVMSubSys.
The named subsystem supplies the parameters to the JBS. There are three parameters:
■ DLL. The complete path of the Java Runtime Environment library. On Windows, it is jvm.dll; onAIX, libjvm.a; on HP-UX,; and on Solaris,
■ CLASSPATH. The classpath used by the Java virtual machine.The classpath must include the following Siebel JAR files as well as all Java code implementing the desired business service.
The required Siebel JAR files are:
■ Siebel.jar
■ SiebelJI_lang.jar (lang corresponds to the default language e.g: SiebelJI_enu.jar).
■ VMOPTIONS “-Xusealtsigs”
NOTE: The option -Xusealtsigs is mandatory for use on the Sun Solaris platform. The JVM options will not load successfully into the object manager without the use of this option.
To create a Java subsystem:
1 Start the Siebel Business Application and navigate to Site Map > Administration – Server Configuration > Enterprises.
2 In the top list applet, select the Enterprise Server that you want to configure.
3 In the middle applet, click the Profile Configuration tab.
4 Click new to create a new component profile and set the following parameters:
            a Profile = JAVA
            b Alias = JAVA
            c Subsystem Type = JVMSubsys (Name = “JVM Configuration Subsystem”)
5 In the Profile Parameters list applet (the bottom applet), set the following values:
            a Set the Value of the JVM Classpath parameter to the location of the necessary .jar files and the file. For example:
            c:\bea\weblogic.jar;c:\siebel\jndi;c:\siebel\siebsrvr\CLASSES\Siebel.jar;c:\siebel\s            iebsrvr\classes\SiebelJI_enu.jar
            b Set the Value of the JVM DLL Name parameter to the path where you have the
            jvm.dll file installed. For example, DLL= D:\j2sdk1.4.2\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll (on         Solaris,
            c Set the Value of the JVM Options record to “-Xusealtsigs”.
3.0  Configuring the JMS Transport
The JMS Transport is built using the Java Business Service and therefore inherits all the requirements of that business service. This includes the independent installation of a Java virtual machine (JVM) and the configuration of the Siebel application to identify and create the VM. Configuration of the Siebel application requires creating a named subsystem of type JVMSubSys with the necessary properties.
JMS Transport requires the CLASSPATH property of the JVM subsystem must include the following packages or classes:
■ Siebel.jar.
■ SiebelJI_lang.jar (where lang corresponds to the default language for your installation).
■ A directory containing the location of the file.
The file contains the necessary name value pairs required to perform a JNDI lookup and bind to the remote queue.
4.0  Setting up the JMS Receiver
The JMS Receiver is a Siebel Server component that makes it possible for the JMS Transport to be invoked asynchronously. The JMS Receiver listens for messages arriving on a JMS Queue or Topic and takes action whenever a message arrives.
Creating JMS Subsystems:
The following two subsystems have to be created for the JMS Receiver set-up:
1. Receiver Connection Subsystem:
1 Start the Siebel Business Application and navigate to Site Map > Administration - ServerConfiguration > Enterprises.
2 In the top list applet, select the desired Enterprise Server that you want to configure.
3 In the middle applet, click the Profile Configuration tab.
4 Click New to create a new component profile and set the following parameters:
            a Profile = JMSConnSubsys
            b Alias = JMSConnSubsys
            c Subsystem Type = JVMSubsys (Name = “JMS Named Subsystem”)
            5 In the Profile Parameters list applet (the bottom applet), specify the parameters             required for the type of operations the subsystem will need to support (for     example, Receive or ReceiveDispatchSend).
            ConnectionFactory name = JNDI name for (Queue or Topic) connection factory
            (e.g ‘ADSK.DEVHCL.Siebel.AutomatedFulfillment.ADSKOrderRequest’
            ConnectionPassword = Password authentication to access JMS transport         resources.
            ConnectionUsername = User authenticated to access JMS transport resources
            JVM Subsystem name = Name of the instance of the JVM named subsystem to            use. (JAVA)
            ReceiveQueue name = JNDI name for queue to receive from
            SendQueue name = JNDI name for queue to send to
            Receive timeout = Amount of time in milliseconds before concluding no message        is available for receipt (3000).
2. Data Handling Subsystem:
1 Start the Siebel Business Application and navigate to Site Map >             Administration - ServerConfiguration > Enterprises.
2 In the top list applet, select the desired Enterprise Server that you want to
3 In the middle applet, click the Profile Configuration tab.
4 Click New to create a new component profile and set the following parameters:
            a Profile = JMSDataHandlingSubsys
            b Alias = JMSDataHandlingSubsys
            c Subsystem Type = EAITransportDataHandlingSubsys
5 In the Profile Parameters list applet (the bottom applet), specify the parameters required:
            Workflow Process to Execute = Name of workflow process to dispatch received            message to.
            Allow Anonymous = False
            Impersonate = False
3. Activating the JMS Receiver
1 Start the Siebel Business Application and navigate to Site Map > Administration - ServerConfiguration > Enterprises.
2 In the top list applet, select the desired Enterprise Server that you want to
3 In the middle applet, click the Component Definitions tab.
4 Query for “JMS Receiver”
5 In the Component Parameters applet query for “Receiver Connection Subsystem” and specify the name of the Connection Subsystem configured above (“JMSConnSubsys”)
6 Again query for “Receiver Data Handling Subsyst” and specify the name of the above Data Handling Subsystem (“JMSDataHandlingSubsys”).