How Can I Hide The Superfluous Message In The “VBC Error Pop-Up Window“

9 February 2025

When implementing a Virtual Business Component (VBC) based on XML Gateway and a Transport business service, an error handling routine can be defined in external application as follows:



Name must not be empty

When the XML stream is returned back to Siebel, the error message box is raised with following message format by default behavior:

"The external souce for the BusComp returned an error: 'Status: 4'; Error Filed: field-name; Error Text: Name must not be empty."

Customer wanted to display only the element value on the message box instead of all , , and element values.


The error message format on the error message box is the default behavior of the XML Gateway business service. Currently, it is not intended functionality to modify the message format as the requirement in Siebel application [15252] FINS.

For more information about the error handling routine, please refer “Technical Note 263: Using the XML Gateway to support Virtual Business Components (VBC): an explanation of the XML Format” in SupportWeb.
