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Siebel Standard interactivity configuration tips

Siebel standard interactivity applications are used in web based application, below are few handy configuration tips 

  1. HTML List Edit Property:This property needs to be set for ‘List Columns’ on applets, deployed on Partner Applications (such as eDealer, since these are deployed in Standard Interactivity modes), so that the same can be edited. Else they cannot be edited, inspite of setting Read Only property to False.
  2. Control to Select a Row:This control should invoke the method PositionOnRow, and its HTML Row Sensitive property should be set to TRUE. This control appears once per row.
  3. Control to Save a Row: This control should invoke the method WriteRecord, and its  
  4. HTML Row Sensitive propertyshould be set to TRUE. This should appear once for the entire list.
EIM with Informatica


PowerCenter can load data to base tables in Siebel using Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) tables. Siebel EIM tables, also known as interface tables, are database tables that reside in a relational database. They act as staging areas between PowerCenter and base tables in the Siebel database. You use the Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager to load data from the EIM tables to the Siebel database. 

You can use PowerCenter to load data to Siebel targets for data migration and bulk loading.

To load data to Siebel base tables, complete the following steps:

  1. Create target definitions.
  2. Create a mapping.
  3. Create and run a workflow.
  4. Load data to base tables in the Siebel database with the Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager.

To load data to EIM tables, you must have insert, update, and delete permissions.

Step 1. Create Target Definitions

Import EIM tables to PowerCenter as target definitions. There are multiple interface tables for different functional areas that you can load data to. See your Siebel documentation to find out what type of EIM tables you should load data to.

To import EIM table metadata into PowerCenter:

  1. In the Warehouse Designer, choose Targets-Import from Database.
  2. In the Import Tables dialog box, select the ODBC data source from the drop-down list that contains the EIM table definitions that you want to import to PowerCenter.

If you do not have a data source that contains EIM table definitions, you must create an appropriate data source. For information about creating ODBC data sources, see the PowerCenter Installation and Configuration Guide.

  1. Enter the user name and password needed to open a connection to the database, and then click Connect.
  2. Drill down through the list of database objects to view the available tables you can use as targets.
  3. Select the EIM tables you will use as target definitions, and then click OK.
  4. Choose Repository-Save.

Figure 1 shows the dialog box for importing EIM table definitions:

Figure 1. Import Tables Dialog Box


Step 2. Create a Mapping

After you create target definitions for the EIM tables, add the target definitions to a mapping. Because there are separate EIM table types for different functional areas, your mapping may contain more than one target definition. See your Siebel documentation to find out what type of EIM tables you should load the data to.

Figure 2 shows a sample mapping used to write metadata to EIM tables. It contains a source table that was imported from Siebel, a Source Qualifier transformation, and an EIM table. The EIM table will serve as the staging area between PowerCenter and the base tables in Siebel.

Figure 2. Sample Mapping


Step 3. Create and Run a Workflow

You must create a session and workflow to run the mapping. Configure the session properties to include the connection information necessary to load the data to a Siebel system database. When you run the workflow, the PowerCenter Server loads data to the EIM tables.

Figure 3 shows a sample of the connection information you configure in the session properties:

Figure 3. Mapping Tab in the Session Properties

Run the workflow. Once the workflow completes successfully, you can load the data from the EIM tables to the Siebel base tables.

4. Run the Enterprise Integration Manager

In Siebel, run the Enterprise Integration Manager. The Enterprise Integration Manager takes the data from the staging area and populates base tables in Siebel. For more information about using the Enterprise Integration Manager, see your Siebel documentation.

Suppress Scripting Error Code

Suppress Scripting Error Code Scenario  :Suppress the Siebel error code appearing at the end of error message. By default a scripting error is appended with the error code which can be confusing to the end user.


Solution  :


1)    Navigate to Administration - Application -> System Preferences

2)    Query for System Preference Name = 'Suppress Scripting Error Code'

3)    Set System Preference Value to 'TRUE'


Suppress Scripting Error Code = FALSE , gives error message and error code like "SBL-EXL-00151",

Suppress Scripting Error Code = TRUE  , just gives the message but not the error code.


Siebel Repository tables

Siebel Repository tables


Siebel Repository refers to set of tables in which Siebel object definition and scripts are stored. These tables store meta data about Siebel Objects and also contain the configuration information shown in Siebel Tools


S_APPLET     : Stores Siebel Applets information

S_BUSCOMP  : Stores Siebel Business Component Information

S_FIELD       : Stores all the Field details


Situation: Generate a report with all the active BC Fields and their corresponding Table/Column/Data Type/Length. Doing this manually in Siebel Tools is a monotonous and tedious task and it will take lot of time to complete it.


Solution  : Directly querying on the Siebel Repository tables which would yield the desired output. Please find below sample query for Account BC


SELECT  FIELD.NAME"BC Field Name",FIELD.join_name "Join Name",NULL"Table_Name",field.col_name "Column Name",decode(TEMP.COLTYPE,'V','Varchar','U','UTC Date Time','D','Date','C','Char','X','Long','T',' DateTime','N','Number','L','Clob','S','Date Time')"Data TYPE",TEMP.COLLENGTH "Length"





("TNAME","COLNAME",col.data_type "COLTYPE",col.length"COLLENGTH"from

siebel.s_table tab,

siebel.s_column col,

siebel.s_repository rep



REP.NAME='Siebel Repository'  and

col.tbl_id=tab.row_id and



field.col_name =temp.COLNAME(+)and

field.join_name=temp.TNAME (+)and


field.col_name isnotnulland


BC.NAME='Account'  AND


REP.NAME='Siebel Repository'


Note : The above SQL query is a sample one and based on individuals requirement query should be tuned to get the required data from Repository tables

SARM Subareas

Siebel Application Response measurement ( SARM) has following subares -DBC_FETCH

Uninstalling the Siebel 8 patch from local client and tools

To uninstall the patches from local client and tools follow belwo steps:

  1. Set home directory set ORACLE_HOME=C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2
  2. List applied patches: opatch lsinventory
  3. Uninstall: opatch rollback -id <patch number>

Actual step execution in command line:
1. Start run -> enter CMD click ok and then
cd C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\OPatch
C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\OPatch>set ORACLE_HOME=C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2 C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\OPatch>opatch lsinventory Invoking OPatch
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Oracle Home       : c:\siebel\8.1\client_2
Central Inventory : C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
   from           : n/a
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
OUI location      : c:\siebel\8.1\client_2\oui
Log file location : c:\siebel\8.1\client_2\cfgtoollogs\opatch\opatch2011-07-05_14-50-31PM.log
Lsinventory Output file location : c:\siebel\8.1\client_2\cfgtoollogs\opatch\lsinv\lsinventory2011-07-05_14-50-31PM.txt
Installed Top-level Products (4):
Siebel Client enu                                           
Siebel Web Client                                           
Siebel Web Client PatchSet                                  
Siebel Web Client PatchSet                                  
There are 4 products installed in this Oracle Home.

Interim patches (1) :
Patch  8112212150221: applied on Fri Jun 24 17:00:40 EDT 2011
   Created on 12 Mar 2010, 21:07:22 hrs
   Bugs fixed:
OPatch succeeded.
C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\OPatch>opatch rollback -id 8112212150221 Invoking OPatch
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Oracle Home       : c:\siebel\8.1\client_2
Central Inventory : C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
   from           : n/a
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
OUI location      : c:\siebel\8.1\client_2\oui
Log file location : c:\siebel\8.1\client_2\cfgtoollogs\opatch\opatch2011-07-05_14-56-11PM.log
RollbackSession rolling back interim patch '8112212150221' from OH 'c:\siebel\8.1\client_2'
Running prerequisite checks...
OPatch detected non-cluster Oracle Home from the inventory and will patch the local system only.
Backing up files affected by the patch '8112212150221' for restore. This might take a while...
Patching component oracle.siebel.client,
Copying file to "c:\siebel\8.1\client_2\bin\sscfbas.dll"
Copying file to "c:\siebel\8.1\client_2\bin\sscfjs.dll"
Copying file to "c:\siebel\8.1\client_2\bin\sscfomlg.dll"
Copying file to "c:\siebel\8.1\client_2\bin\sscftclg.dll"
RollbackSession removing interim patch '8112212150221' from inventory
Execution of 'cmd /C "C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\.patch_storage\8112212150221_Mar_12_2010_21_07_22\original_patch\custom\scripts\post.bat" -roll
back 8112212150221 ':
Rollback of current QF is complete....
Return Code = 0
OPatch succeeded.

Case Insensitivity & Accent Insensitivity (CIAI)

Using the Siebel Tools Version 8.0, Columns can be configured for CIAI, by easy to use Case Insensitivity UI wizard. This helps application users to query records irrespective of any case (Upper/Lower). E.g. to enable CIAI on column LAST_NAME of table S_CONTACT, follow the steps mentioned below.
·         Log in to Siebel Tools
·         In OE Select Table for S_CONTACT
·         In OE Select Column and Query the LAST_NAME Column
·         In the OBLE Right click the column and click on Case Insensitivity
·         CIAI wizard appears
·         Click Next and Finish on the Screen
·          In Table OBLE Apply and Activate the changes made
·         Compile the client srf
Steps to Test:
·         Login to the application
·         Go to Contact Screen
·         Create 7 to 10 records of the same name of different cases under the Last Name field
·         Query for any one of the created record on same field
·         It returns all the created records irrespective of the case

Performance and Scalability Benchmarking

Oracle’s Siebel Platform Sizing and Performance uses the following features:
Smart Web Architecture—Takes advantage of the newest Web browser technology to deliver a highly
interactive experience. The interaction model, which is similar to Windows-based applications, also improves
productivity. Utilization rates on the Web server are low, allowing customers to retain existing Web server
Smart Network Architecture—Allows Siebel CRM Release 8.0 customers to leverage their existing network
infrastructure by compressing and caching user interface components, so that browser/Web server interaction
occurs only when the application requests data. This allows customers to avoid expensive network upgrades that can
be necessary with competing products.
Server Connection Broker—The Siebel Connection Broker (SCBroker) is a server component that provides
intraserver loadbalancing. SCBroker distributes server requests across multiple instances of Application Object
Managers (AOMs) running on a Siebel Server.
Smart Database Connection Pooling and Multiplexing—Allows customers to scale their databases without
introducing expensive and complex transaction-processing monitors.
Server Request Broker— Server Request Broker (SRBroker) processes synchronous server requests—requests
that must be run immediately, and for which the calling process waits for completion.
Enterprise Application Integration—Allows customers to integrate their existing systems with Siebel CRM
eScript—eScript is a scripting or programming language that application developers use to write simple scripts
to extend Siebel applications. JavaScript, a popular scripting language used primarily on Web sites, is its core

Server Sizing for Siebel Analytics - OBIEE

A reliable, scalable, resilient server infrastructure is critical for a Siebel eBusiness Applications deployment to succeed. Low overall cost of this infrastructure can be a major contributing factor in achieving ROI in the shortest amount of time. IBM provides servers for Siebel solutions that are low cost and at the same time among the most reliable and scalable servers on the market.
Choose to Scale Up or Scale Out
The choice of servers and the technology in those servers gives you the choice to have your infrastructure scale up or scale out. Infrastructures that scale out rely on many smaller servers and adding capacity usually means adding additional servers. Scaling up relies are using a small number of larger servers. Server virtualization is often critical to these infrastructures to make the best use of available resources. Adding capacity involves adding additional processors and memory to existing systems and this must be done with as little disruption as possible.
Siebel Systems architecture is suited for both scale out or scale up with a few exceptions. Database servers must be implemented on a single system so the choice of that server should be made with future growth in mind. Most of the other Siebel servers work well in both environments so vendors like IBM, HP, Sun offer the choice of many smaller servers or a few larger ones.
A wealth of performance knowledge
The sizing shown in this document is based on a deep understanding of how Siebel eBusiness Applications perform on server systems.
IBM was the first to publish benchmark results under Siebel System’s Platform Sizing and Performance Program (PSPP). IBM published three sets of results before any other vendor made their results public.
Understanding that benchmarks give only limited insight into the performance of an overall solution. IBM has worked with its customers, integration partners, our internal implementation team, Siebel System’s internal implementation team, the IBM-Siebel International Competency Center, Siebel development and Siebel Expert Services to document and incorporate the characteristics of over 200 benchmarks, performance studies and customer implementations into IBM’s tools for sizing Siebel eBusiness Applications. Siebel Systems has even adopted IBM’s sizing methodology for its own use.
Collaboration that adds value and reduces risk
The collaboration between IBM and Siebel make our joint solution stronger. Siebel Systems does the first deployment of each new release, its own implementation, on IBM eServer Systems. IBM is in the middle of one of the largest rollouts of Siebel eBusiness Applications with over 100,000 users planned to go online by early 2005.
IBM maintains onsite development resources at Siebel Systems headquarters in San Mateo, CA. These people work side-by-side with Siebel architects, developers and performance engineers throughout each release. They are involved from design through general availability to confirm that every advantage is leveraged and the performance and scalability of the entire solution is well understood

Incorporating Global Data Quality within Siebel Applications

To ensure optimal data quality within Oracle’s Siebel applications, companies need to improve data integrity, remove duplicate data, and maintain peak condition data. The Trillium Software Data Quality Connector for Siebel supports seamless integration of Trillium Software data cleansing and standardization capabilities within the Siebel Enterprise Application 8 suite of products. This integration provides comprehensive, global data cleansing and matching services through the Siebel Data Quality (SDQ) framework using the Siebel Universal Data Quality (UDQ) Connector.
Integration Details
Using SDQ integration, Trillium Software off ers one product that integrates with both Siebel CRM and Siebel UCM applications and interfaces
through the UDQ API to initiate all data quality processes. To enable SDQ and Trillium Software integration, users invoke Siebel’s Administration
Data Quality view to confi gure parameters and map data fields. Whenever a record is committed to the Siebel database, a realtime
request for cleansing and/or matching is automatically submitted to the Data Cleansing or De-duplication Business Service. This in
turn, invokes a processing request to the Trillium Software Data Quality Connector for Siebel.
Trillium Software Data Quality Connector for Siebel supports cleansing and matching in both real-time and batch mode
Feature-rich data cleansing and matching services include:

  • Real-time and batch data quality processing
  • Scalable data quality services
  • Global, out-of-the-box capabilities to interpret, standardize, validate addresses, and de-duplicate customer information
  • Multi-byte and single-byte cleansing and matching
  • Easily supportable integration to reduce future upgrade eff ort
  • Unifi ed platform that automates discovery of data issues and lets users control consistency of data quality standards and processes
  • Reusable Data Quality Services that provide a consistent foundation for Enterprise Data


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