Building Trust over the Telephone

When a customer calls your company, he looks to you to help solve problems, meet needs, or alleviate concerns. Every customer who calls your company deserves to talk to a competent, confident individual. Even if you don't know all the answers, speaking confidently will help you build the customer's trust.
There are techniques that can help you build the trust of the person on the other end of the telephone. The techniques for building a caller's trust are:
Speak confidently

Projecting a Positive Image on the Telephone

Your voice, your words, your attitude, and your body language all contribute to the image you project. In addition to visual cues, auditory cues—like the tone and quality of the voice, and choice of words—contribute to the all-important first impression.
On the telephone, however, the benefit of the visual cues is lost. The person on the other end of the telephone forms an image of you based solely on the tone and quality of your voice, and your choice of words.

Using Good Telephone Etiquette

Good telephone etiquette is important regardless of whether you are the person placing the call or the person receiving the call. When you place a call, good telephone etiquette includes identifying yourself and stating the purpose of the call. The principles of good telephone etiquette are most useful when you are the receiver of the telephone call.

Siebel EAI Adapter: skiptree and skipnode operations in Execute Method

The whole sub tree rooted at this node is not processed. It is the same as that whole sub tree not existing in the integration object instance. Operations specified in child nodes do not affect processing in any way since the EAI Siebel Adapter does not act on the child.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

“PRM ANI Utility Service” BS - Extract Hierarchy Structure

There are a lot of instances while working on Siebel integration we use “PRM ANI Utility Service” BS with “GetProperty” method.
The issue with this is when you don’t get a proper hierarchy as expected from the previous step; your Get Property method throws an error message.
When we have a hierarchy structure and want to extract a property value from that without script.
Required Properties:
Input Arguments:

Strategies for Building Team Cohesion

Use this job aid as a reminder of the tips and strategies for improving communication, cooperation, and trust when building team cohesion.
Communicating within your team

  • Create a sense of partnership.
  • Express your desire to work as a team.
  • Assume good intentions.
  • Don't retaliate.
  • Move forward.
  • Talk to each other.
  • Get to know one another.

Promoting cooperation

Cohesion-building Techniques

Using cohesion-building techniques

Cohesive teams are unified, allowing members to work together in productive harmony. True cohesiveness is only possible when members cooperate with each other, acting together to further the team's goals. Cohesion also requires mutual respect and trust, and it has effective communication at its base.


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