Siebel Predefined Queries (PDQ) – Reference

9 February 2025

PDQ refers to Pre Defined Queries, as the name speaks for itself these are the saved queries in Siebel application. Generally, users can click on Query button and enter query criteria and click go button, and save the query by navigating to  Query Menu -> “Save Query As” There are two types of PDQs

  1. Private PDQ.
  2. Public (Non – Private) PDQ.

Private PDQ: Private means that the query is only available for those users who created the query or for those who saved the query. This is normally done by application users and is available only to the user who saved it.

Non-Private/Public PDQ: Public PDQ’s are typically created by AppDev team / Admin team. These PDQ’s are available to all the users using the Siebel Application. And the Private flag is unchecked for these. Siebel Admin can make a private PDQ to Public by un-checking the private flag.

Understanding PDQ: PDQ’s are associated with the Business object, you can find the PDQ’s in Siebel applications at the upper right corner of the screen.

What can be done with PDQ?

PDQ has two functions

  1. Search - Filter criteria to restrict the records
  2. Sort – sort the records based on the field values

Understanding the PDQ Criteria:

As described earlier the PDQ Criteria will have 2 parts one search criteria, second sort criteria.

E.g. 1:

If you look at the below table it has 3 columns

  • PDQ Name – Name of the PDQ
  • Business Object Name – Name of the Business Object associated with PDQ
  • Search Spec (including BC Names) - PDQ criteria showing search and Sort specifications.

PDQ Name

Business Object Name

Search Spec (including BC names)

Replacement Contracts - ACIS

Register TC 'Register TC'.Search = "[Register Id] LIKE ""A*"" AND [Replacement Flag] = ""Y"""

Let’s break down the Search Spec text to understand what its doing – 'Register TC'.Search = "[Register Id] LIKE ""A*"" AND [Replacement Flag] = ""Y"""

  • 'Register TC' – Business component Name
  • 'Register TC'.Search - Search on the ‘Register TC’ Business component
  • "[Register Id] LIKE ""A*"" AND [Replacement Flag] = ""Y""" - Search Criteria

Search criteria will have one are more filter conditions, lets understand the above search criteria. Field names are included in the [Field Name] (brackets).so the above search criterion is  “ show me all the registers where Register id is begins with A and replacement flag is Y.

E.g. 2: In Progress and Resolution Required

PDQ Name

Business Object Name

Search Spec (including BC names)

In Progress and Resolution Required

Compliance Infraction TC

'Compliance Infraction TC'.Search = "[Resolution Required] = ""Y"" AND [Status] LIKE ""In Progress*"""

'Compliance Infraction TC'.Sort = "Created (DESC)"

Eg2: has both search and sort criteria,

  • Search criteria - show records from Compliance Infraction TC Business component where Resolution required field is checked and Status is InProgress
  • Sort Criteria - sort the records in descending based on the creation date.

Operators in search Criteria






 [Resolution Required] = ""Y""



 [Status] LIKE ""In Progress*""


Greater than or equal to

[Started] >= ""08/01/2007""


Less than or equal to

[Started] <= ""08/01/2007""


Not Equals to

[Fulfillment Release Status] <> ""Submitted Successfully""


Verify the value availability in LOV list then comapare

[Type] = LookupValue ( ""CONTACT_TYPE"", ""Physician"" )"


Returns today’s date

[Calc CompletedDateForDone] >= Today () - 7


This function takes a date field as a parameter and returns the julian number of the current month

JulianMonth([Received Date]) = JulianMonth(Today())
