One for all remotes codes 4-DIGIT CODES
Device Set-Up Codes for all One For All® universalsthat require the 4-digit codes. TV (4-DIGIT CODES) (NOTE: All codes that starts with the number “0” will not work for the following models:URC2020 | URC3030 | URC1030; could be more.)(NOTE: All codes that starts with the number “1” will not work for the following models:URC3300 | URC3600 | URC3700 | URC4600 | URC4700 | URC4330 | URC5600; could be more.) A-Mark 1112, 0003 AOC 0003, 0019, 0030, 0052, 0137, 0185 Abex 1143, 0032 Accuscan 1213 Admiral 1244, 1334, 1143, 1234, 0032 Adventura 1212, 0046 Aiko 1243, 1142, 0092 Akai 1142, 1231, 1122, 0030, 0098 Alaron 1223, 0179, 0183, 0216 Alleron 1412, 1421 Ambassador 1344, 0177 America Action 1224 Americana 1232, 1322 Anam 1233, 1413, 1224, 0068, 0180 Anam National 1224, 0055 AOC 1112, 1123, 1142, 1422, 1221, 1122, 1114 Archer 1112, 0003 Astro Text 0379 Audiovox 1413, 1112, 1233, 1224, 1142, 1242, 0003, 0180 Bay Crest 1123, 1334 Baysonic 1224, 0180 Belcor 1123, 1114, 0019 Beaumark 1121 Bell & Howell 1324, 1114, 1244, 1212, 1112, 0016, 0154 Bench Mark 1232, 1123, 1413, 1114 Bradford 1413, 1224, 0180 Brockwood 1123, 1114, 0019 Broksonic 1112, 1432, 1234, 1231, 0003 Candle 1142, 1231, 1423, 1212, 1122, 1133, 0030, 0046, 0056, 0186 Capehart 1221 Carver 1223, 1132, 0054, 0170 Carnivale 1122, 0030 CCE 1431, 0217, 0329 Celebrity 1111, 0000 Citizen 1243, 1232, 1231, 1142, 1441, 1423, 1211, 1212, 1134, 1122, 1133, 1142, 0030, 0039, 0046, 0056, 0060, 0092, 0186, 0280, 0561 Ceneral 1233, 1142, 0092, 0451 Clairtone 1422, 0185 Colortyme 1223, 1232, 1411 Concerto 1231, 1133, 0056 Conic 1143 Contec 1413, 1422, 1332, 1224, 0157, 0158, 0180, 0185 Craig 1413, 1224, 0180 Crosley 1223, 1132 Crown 1413, 1211, 1224, 0039, 0180 Curtis Mathes 1342,1232, 1142, 1444, 1211, 1123, 1132, 1212, 1124, 1233, 1143, 1134, 1122, 1144, 1133, 1112, 1214, 0030, 0039, 0060, 0154 CXC 1413, 1224, 0180 Daewoo 1243, 2111, 1123, 1211, 1233, 1114, 1142, 1242, 1243, 0019, 0039, 0091, 0092, 0451 Daytron 1123, 1231, 1114, 0019 Denon 1144, 0145 Dumont 1123, 1121, 1113, 1114, 0017, 0019 Electroband 1111, 1422, 1111, 0000, 0185 Electrohome 1443, 1322, 0381, 0389, 0409 Emerson 1432, 2112, 1413, 1412, 1344, 1411, 1441, 1442, 1123, 1211, 1422, 1414, 1144, 1332, 1324, 1212, 1231, 1234, 1224, 1222, 1114, 1223, 1242, 1243, 0019, 0038, 0039, 0154, 0158, 0177, 0178, 0179, 0180, 0181, 0182, 0183, 0185, 0236, 0270, 0280, 0282, 0463 Encor 1143 Envision 1142, 1122, 0030 Fisher 1324, 1333, 1212, 0154, 0159 Fujitsu 1412, 1223, 0179 Funai 1342, 1412, 1413, 1224, 1223, 1221, 0171, 0179, 0180 Futuretech 1413, 1224, 0180 GE 1213, 1214, 1224, 2111, 1131, 1133, 1442, 1312, 1411, 1141, 1343, 1123, 1124, 1233, 1143, 1222, 0021, 0027, 0029, 0047, 0051, 0055, 0135, 0174, 0178, 0279, 0282, 0451 Gibraltar 1142, 1123, 1121, 1113, 1122, 1114, 0017, 0019, 0030 Goldstar 1231, 1142, 1123, 1411, 1143, 1122, 1222, 1114, 1133, 0001, 0002, 0019, 0030, 0032, 0039, 0106, 0178, 0409 Granada 1313, 1323 Gradiente 1131, 1133, 0053, 0056, 0170, 0392 Grundy 1412, 1413 Grumpy 1412, 1413, 1224, 1223, 0179, 0180 Hallmark 1411, 0178 Hallmark 1222 Harley Davidson 1411, 1111, 1413, 1223, 1223 Harmon Kardon 1234, 1132, 0078 Harvard 1413, 1233, 1224, 0068, 0180 Heathkit 1114, 1121, 1243 Hitachi 1313, 1323, 1231, 1144, 1143, 1144, 1133, 1112, 0032, 0038, 0056, 0145, 0151, 0279, 0409, 0413 Ima 1413 Infinity 1223, 1132, 0054 Inteq 1113 Janeil 1212 JBL 1223, 1132, 0054 JCB 1111, 1111, 0000 JVC 1222, 1414, 1131, 0036, 0053, 0069, 0160, 0169, 0182 Janeil 0046 KEC 1224, 0180 Kamp 1332, 0216 Kawasho 1332, 0158, 0216 Kaypani 1221, 0052 Kenwood 1142, 1123, 1122, 1114, 0019, 0030 KLH 1233, 1413 Kloss Novabeam 1234, 1132 Kloss 1234, 1132, 1212, 0024, 0046, 0078 KMC 1143 KTV 1142, 1413, 1422, 1441, 1211, 1421, 1431, 1224, 1122 LG 1133, 0056 Lloyds 1432, 1413, 1412 Logik 1114, 1112, 0016 Luxman 1231, 1133, 0056 LXI 1324, 1223, 1213, 1411, 1331, 1123, 1132, 1212, 1213, 1222, 0047, 0054, 0148, 0154, 0156, 0178 Magnasonic 1412, 1142, 1132, 1122, 1223 Magnavox 1223, 1311, 1423, 1424, 1142, 0020, 0024, 0028, 0030, 0036, 0054, 0096, 0186, 0187, 0230, 0386 Majestic 1114, 1112, 0015, 0016 Marantz 1223, 1142, 1132, 1122, 0030, 0054 Matsui 1431 Matsushita 1232, 0250 Megatron 1411, 1112, 1313, 1222, 1144, 0003, 0145, 0178 MEI 1422, 0185 Memorex 1322, 1324, 1231, 1114, 1411, 1212, 1232, 1234, 1211, 1222, 1223, 1133, 1112, 0016, 0056, 0106, 0150, 0154, 0178 MGA 1322, 1142, 1411, 1211, 1122, 1222, 1114, 0019, 0030, 0150, 0155, 0178 Midland 1213, 1121, 1214, 1312, 1211, 1143, 1123, 1113, 1124, 0017, 0032, 0039, 0047, 0051, 0135 Mintuz 1131, 1133, 0021 Mitsubishi 1322, 1123, 1411, 1143, 1211, 1222, 1114, 0019, 0093, 0098, 0150, 0155, 0178, 0241 Motorola 1244, 1224, 1143, 0055, 0093 MTC 1422, 1232,1231, 1142, 1123, 1134, 1122, 1114, 1133, 0019, 0030, 0056, 0060, 0091, 0185, 0216 Multitech 1413, 1431, 1224, 0180, 0217 NAD 1341, 1331, 1411, 1213, 1222, 1214, 0156, 0166, 0178 NEC 1142, 1231, 1123, 1122, 1114, 1133,0019, 0030, 0036, 0056, 0170 NTC 1243, 1142, 0092 Nikko 1243, 1411, 1122, 1222, 1142, 0030, 0092, 0178 Noblex 0430 Noshi 0018 Okron 1123 Onwa 1413, 1224, 0180 Optimus 1341, 1324, 1212, 1232, 1214, 0154, 0166, 0250 Optonica 1244, 1334, 1143, 0093, 0165 Orion 1423, 2112, 1231, 1234, 1223, 0236 Orittron 1413, 1112 Panasonic 1433, 1214, 1224, 1223, 1124, 1232, 0051, 0055, 0162, 0226, 0250, 0338 PCE 1331, 1232 Penney 1213, 1232, 1214, 1142, 1123, 1122, 1412, 1131, 1133, 1321, 1331, 1321, 1112, 1211, 1143, 1123, 1213, 1124, 1134, 1122, 1222, 1114, 1133, 0002, 0003, 0018, 0019, 0021, 0027, 0030, 0032, 0039, 0047, 0051, 0060, 0135, 0149, 0156, 0178 Performance 1111 Philco 1223, 1311, 1142, 1123, 1132, 1234, 1122, 1144, 1114, 0019, 0020, 0028, 0030, 0054, 0096, 0145 Philips 1223, 1311, 1132, 0054 Pilot 1142, 1123, 1211, 1122, 1114, 0019, 0030, 0039 Pioneer 1341, 1144, 1214, 1244, 0038, 0166 Portland 1243, 1123, 1211, 1114, 1142, 0019, 0039, 0092 Priceclub 1232 Princeton 1312 Prisim 1214, 1124, 0051 Proscan 1213, 1123, 0047 Proton 1221, 1411, 1112, 1222, 0003, 0052, 0178, 0466 Pulsar 1121, 1113, 1114, 0017, 0019 Pulser 1123 Quasar 1433, 1214, 1224, 1124, 1232, 0051, 0055, 0165, 0250 Radio Shack 1334, 1413, 1123, 1211, 1143, 1123, 1212, 1224, 1122, 1222, 1114, 1133, 0019, 0030, 0032, 0039, 0047, 0056, 0154, 0165, 0178, 0180, 0409 RCA 1213, 1122, 1123, 1141, 1321, 1434, 1343, 1342, 1123, 1124, 1143, 1114, 1244, 0018, 0019, 0029, 0038, 0047, 0090, 0135, 0174, 0278 Realistic 1324, 1334, 1231, 1142, 1123, 1413, 1411, 1211, 1143, 1212, 1224, 1122, 1222, 1114, 1133, 0019, 0030, 0032, 0039, 0056, 0154, 0165, 0178, 0180 Rhapsody 1422, 1421, 0183, 0185, 0216 Runco 1142, 1121, 1113, 1122, 0017, 0030 Sampo 1221, 1211, 1143, 1122, 0030, 0032, 0039, 0052 Samsung 1232, 1231, 1142, 1123, 1411, 1143, 1134, 1122, 1222, 1114, 1133, 0019, 0030, 0032, 0039, 0056, 0060, 0178, 0329, 0427, 0482 Samsux 1211, 0039 Sanky 1142, 1232, 1211 Sensei 1233, 0451 Sansui 1142, 1232, 1334, 1234 Sanyo 1324, 1333, 1314, 1212, 0146, 0154, 0159, 0484 Scimitsu 1123, 1114, 0019 Scotch 1411, 1222, 0178 Scott 1432, 1123, 1413, 1411, 1231, 1224, 1222, 1114, 1223, 0019, 0178, 0179, 0180, 0236 Sears 1213, 1324, 1342, 1223, 1231, 1331, 1333, 1411, 1412, 1123, 1132, 1212, 1213, 1222, 1223, 1133, 1221, 1321, 1314, 0015, 0047, 0054, 0056, 0146, 0148, 0149, 0154, 0156, 0159, 0171, 0178, 0179 Semivox 1224, 0180 Semp 1213, 0156 Sharp 1244, 1334, 1211, 1143, 1311, 0039, 0093, 0153, 0157, 0165, 0386, 0491 Shogun 1123, 1114, 0019Signature 1114, 1244, 1112, 0016 Simpson 1423, 1424, 0186, 0187 Sony 1111, 1113, 1241, 1111, 0000, 0011, 0080, 0111 Soundesign 1413, 1423, 1411, 1412, 1224, 1222, 1223, 0178, 0179, 0180, 0186 Spectricon 1112, 0003, 0137 Squareview 1342, 1221, 0171 SSS 1123, 1413, 1224, 1114, 0019, 0180 Starlite 1413, 1224, 0180 Supre-Macy 1212, 0046 Supreme 1111, 1111, 0000 Sylvania 1223, 1311, 1142, 1132, 1122, 0020, 0028, 0030, 0054, 0065, 0096, 0381 Symphonic 1342, 1221, 0171 Tandy 1244, 1334, 0093 Tatung 1224, 1112, 0003, 0055 Technics 1433, 1214, 0051, 0250 Techtnol Ace 1412, 0179 Techwood 1214, 1231, 1112, 0003, 0051, 0056 Teknika 1243, 1223, 1322, 1123, 1114, 1232, 1413, 1231, 1423, 1412, 1211, Thomas 1231, 1411 TMK 1231, 1344, 1411, 1222, 1133, 0056, 0177, 0178 TNCi 1113 Tandy 1143 Technics 1124, 1232 Technol Ace 1223 Techwood 1124, 1133 Teknika 1132, 1224, 1211, 1134, 1114, 1223, 1133, 1112, 1142, 0016, 0019, 0039, 0054, 0056, 0060, 0092, 0150, 0179, 0180, 0186, 0312, 0322 Telefunken 1133, 0056 Toshiba 1331, 1232, 1321, 1212, 1213, 1134, 0036, 0060, 0149, 0154, 0156 Tosonic 1422, 0185 Totevision 1211, 0039 Trical 0157 Truetone 1433, 1214, 1224 Universal 1131, 1133, 0027 Vector Research 1142, 1122, 0030 Victor 1222, 1131, 0053 Video Concepts 0098 Vidikron 1223, 1132, 0054, 0242 Vidtech 1123, 1411, 1222, 1114, 0019, 0036, 0178 Viking 1212, 0046, 0312 Wards 1223, 1334, 1311, 1114, 1231, 1142, 1125, 1141, 1411, 1131, 1133, 1134, 1412, 1134, 1343, 1241, 1132, 1122, 1222, 1114, 1223, 1133, 1112, 0016, 0019, 0020, 0021, 0027, 0028, 0029, 0030, 0054, 0056, 0080, 0096, 0111, 0165, 0174, 0178, 0179 Weltron 1411, 1125 White Westinghouse 1324, 1412, 2111, 1234, 1242, 1243, 0154, 0179, 0451, 0463 XR1000 1432, 1413, 1342 Yamaha 1142, 1125, 1122, 1114, 0019, 0030 York 1142 Zenith 1121, 1243, 1114, 1113, 1234, 1112, 1142, 1243, 0016, 0017 Zonda 1112, 0003