- Should you have DATE as ID attribute form?
- What is compound key?
- What is a fact and an attribute?
- What are Factless facts?
- What are Transformations? Is there any transformations implemented in your project?
- Explain Fact Structure(types, one by one)
- Explain Level Extension. How it is used in your project?
- Explain Fact Relation.
- Explain Fact Degradation.
- What is Compound Key Attribute? Give example from your project.
- Can you update a table in Warehouse using MicroStrategy?
- How will you resolve an issue when (by chance) an aggregate table at higher level has a higher LTS than an aggregate table at lower level?
- What happens if LTS is high for a higher level table?
- What are the criteria used by the MicroStrategy SQL Engine to build the join tree of a report’s SQL?
- Can MicroStrategy logical primary keys and the true (warehouse) primary keys differ?
- Oracle has a pseudo column named ROWID which is not “directly” exposed to front-end? Can this table be used in MicroStrategy? Why one would do that?
- Can you create Schema objects in 2 tier connection? Is it recommended?