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How to create the EBC’s in Siebel

EBCExternal Business Component The external business component feature provides a way to access data that resides in a non-Siebel table or view using a Siebel business component. This is a feature in new Siebel 7.7.
Steps to create the EBC in Siebel 7.7:
Create a DDL file from the external database from where you are going to access the data.
1. Cerate a DDL file:
You can create the DDL file from the other databases like DB2, Oracle, SQL etc, with the tool provided by the database vendor.
Below is the syntax for the creation of DDL file through DB2:
Path of the DB2 BIN>db2look -d DataDSourceName -t TableName -e -i DBUserName -w DBPassWord -o Outputfile.ddl
-d à Data Source Name.
-t  à External table name from where you are going to access the data.
-e à Extract DDL file needed to duplicate database.
-i  à User ID to log on to the server where the database resides.
-wà Password to log on to the server where the database resides
-0 à Redirects the output to the given file name
C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN>db2look -d siea -t s_srv_req -e -i sadmin -w saddb2772 -o c:\test001.ddl
After executing the above said statement we will get the DDL file in the specified destination.
2. Import the DDL into the Siebel tools:
Import the newly created DDL file into Siebel tools as:
File à New Object
From the General tab select ‘External Table Schema Import’ option and specify the required details in the dialog box.
After the completion a new table will be get created with the prefix EX_. (e.g. EX_100_0000001)
3. Specify Data Source:
Copy the existing [ServerDataSrc] section in the application .cfg file and paste below that section in the same file rename the section differently and specify a new section name.
Specify the below mentioned values in the .cfg file.
Docked                             = TRUE
ConnectString         = (Your Connection String for the external DB)
TableOwner            = (Specify the Table Owner)
DLL                       = sscddcli.dll
SqlStyle                            = DB2
DSUsername            = Data Base User Name
DSPassword            = Data Base Password
Enter the above created data source in the [DataSources] section in the .cfg file.
Specify the newly created Data Source in the Data Source child object of the Table object. This name should be the same name which you entered in the .cfg file.
4. Create a New BC based on the newly created table:
Specify BC’s data source property as ServerDataSrcEBC’ which we created newly in the .cfg file.
Make the Log Changes BC property as ‘FALSE’ to disable the log.
Add the required columns to the BC from the newly created table.
NOTE: Id is the required column which maps to the unique column in the external table.
5. Create a new applet and expose the columns to the applet. Add the applet to a view and add the view to the screen.
6. Compile all newly created objects.
7.Specifying Run-Time Parameters:
After the data source definition is named in Siebel Tools, you will specify the run-time parameters
by creating a Data Source definition in the Administration - Server Configuration screen and updating
the Server Component definition.
Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen and select the Enterprises amazon
From the Enterprise Server, view select the Profile Configuration tab.
Copy an existing record that has a Subsystem Type of InfraDatasources.
Change the Profile and Alias properties to the Data Source name configured in Siebel Tools.
Update the profile parameters to correspond to the external RDBMS:
DSConnectString = the data source connect string.
DSSSQLStyle = database SQL type.
DSTableOwner = data source table owner.
DSUsername = default user name used for connections.
DSPassword = default password used for connections.
NOTE: The DSUsername and the DSPassword parameters are optional. If specified, this will
override the default user name and password.
You can see the data from the external table in the applet which you have created newly.
Please look into the EAI Volume II PDF (7.7) for further details about the EBC creation.