Here are some options that can be tried to improve Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) performance:Check to make sure all the standard indices are in existence for the tables involved.
PARTY_TYPE_CD, PARTY_UID, ROOT_PARTY_FLG are the required columns in S_PARTY table which have to populated while doing an import of party records(like contact, position, etc.) using Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM).
When encountering the Primary ID not populated during an EIM task even though the corresponding EIM mapping columns are appropriately populated in the Interface table issue modify the IFB file to include the PRIMARY KEYS ONLY = TRUE parameter.
The account data need to be imported into S_PARTY, S_ORG_EXT, S_ACCNT_POSTN, and S_ORG_BU among other relevant tables. S_ORG_BU is a new table in Siebel 7 and must be populated for visibility in the "All Accounts" view.
In Siebel application, follow the steps below to generate an Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) detailed log file:1. From User Interface, navigate to View > Site Map > Server Administration > Components