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Comcast Remotes with Red and Silver OK Buttons

Comcast Remote Setup Codes For Blu Ray, Audio Amplifiers And Audio Receivers - Remotes with Red and Silver OK Buttons

Comcast Remote Setup Codes For Blu Ray, Audio Amplifiers And Audio Receivers - Remotes with Red and Silver OK Buttons

ADC 30531

Aiwa 30158, 30189, 30405

Bose 31229, 31933

Capetronic 30531

Carver 30189

Denon 31360, 31104

GE 30078

Harman/Kardon 30110, 30189

Integra 30135

JBL 30110

JVC 30074, 30331

Kenwood 31313, 31570, 30027, 31027

Linn 30189

Magnavox 30189, 30531

Marantz 30189

Onkyo 30135, 30842

Optimus 31023, 30531

Panasonic 31308, 31518

Philips 30189, 31266

Pioneer 31023, 30014, 30531, 31384

Polk Audio 30189

Proscan 31254

RCA 31023, 31254, 30531

Sansui 30189

Sony 31759, 30158, 31758

Soundesign 30078

Stereophonics 31023

Sunfire 31313

Technics 31308, 31518

Victor 30074, 30331

Wards 30158, 30189, 30014, 30078

Yamaha 30176, 30354, 31176

Setup Codes For DVR/PVR

Panasonic 20616

Philips 20618

ReplayTV 20616

Sonic Blue 20616

Sony 20636

TiVo 20618, 20636

Comcast Remote Setup Codes For DVD/DVD-R Players - Remotes with Red and Silver OK Buttons

Comcast Remote Setup Codes For DVD/DVD-R Players - Remotes with Red and Silver OK Buttons

Accurian 21416

Aiwa 20641

Akai 20695, 20899, 21089

Alco 20790

Allegro 20869

Amphion Media 21245

AMW 21245

Apex Digital 20672, 20830, 21056, 21061

Arrgo 21023

Aspire Digital 21168

Audiovox 20790, 21121, 21122

Blue Parade 20571

Broksonic 20695, 20868, 21419

Cinea 20831

Cinego 21399

CineVision 20876, 20833, 20869

Citizen 20695, 21277

Coby 20778, 21086, 21107, 21351

Craig 20831

CyberHome 20816, 20874, 21023, 21129

Daewoo 20705, 20833, 20869, 21169, 21172, 21234, 21242, 21441

Denon 20490, 20634

Disney 20675, 21270

Durabrand 21127

DVD2000 20521

Emerson 20591, 20675, 20821, 21268

Enterprise 20591

ESA 20821, 21268

Funai 20675, 21268, 21334

Gateway 21073

GE 20522, 20815

Go Video 20744, 20715, 20741, 20783,

20833, 20869, 21044, 21075,

21099, 21304

GoldStar 20741

Harman/Kardon 20582, 20702

Hitachi 20573, 20664, 21247

Hiteker 20672

iLo 21348, 21472

Initial 21472

Insignia 21268

Integra 20627

JBL 20702

JVC 20558, 20623, 20867, 21164, 21602

Kawasaki 20790

Kenwood 20490, 20534

KLH 20790

Koss 20651

Lenoxx 21127

LG 20591, 20741, 20869

LiteOn 21058, 21416, 21440

Loewe 20511

Magnavox 20503, 20539, 20646, 20675, 20821, 21268, 21472, 21506

Marantz 20539

Memorex 20695, 20831, 21270

Microsoft 20522, 21708

Mintek 20839, 21472

Mitsubishi 21521, 20521

NAD 20741

NEC 20785

Norcent 21107

Onkyo 20503, 20627

Oritron 20651

Panasonic 20490, 20703, 21362, 21462, 21490, 21762

Philips 20503, 20539, 20646, 20675, 20854, 21260, 21267, 21354

Pioneer 20525, 20571, 20631

Polaroid 21061, 21086, 21245

Polk Audio 20539

Presidian 20675

Proscan 20522

ProVision 20778

Qwestar 20651

RCA 20522, 20571, 20790, 20822, 21022, 21132, 21769

Rio 20869

Rotel 20623

Sampo 20698, 20752

Samsung 20490, 20573, 20199, 20820, 20899, 21044, 21075, 21470

Sansui 20695

Sanyo 20695, 20873

Sharp 20630, 20675, 20752, 21256

Shinsonic 20533, 20839

Sonic Blue 20869, 21099

Sony 20533, 21533, 20864, 21033, 21070, 21431, 21536

Sova 21122

Superscan 20821

Sylvania 20675, 20821, 21268

Symphonic 20675, 20821

Teac 20790

Technics 20490, 20703

Theta Digital 20571

TiVo 21503

Toshiba 20503, 20695, 21045, 21154, 21503, 21769

Urban Concepts 20503

US Logic 20839

Venturer 20790

Vizio 21064, 21226

Xbox 20522, 21708

Yamaha 20490, 20539, 20545

Zenith 20503, 20591, 20741, 20869

Comcast Remote Setup Codes For VCRs And TV/VCR Combos - Remotes with Red and Silver OK Buttons

Comcast Remote Setup Codes For VCRs And TV/VCR Combos - Remotes with Red and Silver OK Buttons


ABS 21972

Admiral 20048

Adventura 20000

Aiwa 20037, 20000

Alienware 21972

American High 20035

Audiovox 20037

Broksonic 20184, 20121, 21479

Calix 20037

Canon 20035

Carver 20081

Citizen 20037, 21278

Craig 20037, 20047

Curtis Mathes 20060, 20035, 20162, 21035

CyberPower 21972

Daewoo 20045, 21278

Dell 21972

Denon 20042

DirecTV 20739

Durabrand 20039

Dynatech 20000

Electrohome 20037

Electrophonic 20037

Emerex 20032

Emerson 20037, 20184, 20000, 20121, 20043, 20593, 21278, 21479,


Fisher 20047


Fuji 20035, 20033

Funai 20000, 20593, 21593

Garrard 20000

Gateway 21972

GE 20060, 20035, 20807, 21035, 21060

Go Video 20614

GoldStar 20037, 21237

Gradiente 20000

Harley-Davidson 20000

Harman/Kardon 20081

Hewlett-Packard 21972

HI-Q 20047

Hitachi 20000, 20042, 20089

Howard Computers 21972

HP 21972

HNS 20042, 20739

Humax 20739

Hush 21972


JVC 20067

KEC 20037

Kenwood 20067

Kodak 20035, 20037

Linksys 21972

Lloyd’s 20000

LXI 20037

Magnasonic 20593, 21278

Magnavox 20035, 20039, 20081, 20000, 20149, 20593, 21593, 21781

Marantz 20035, 20081

Marta 20037

Matsushita 20035, 20162

Media Center PC 21972

MEI 20035


Memorex 20035, 20162, 20037, 20048, 20039, 20047, 20000, 21237

MGA 20043

Microsoft 21972

Mind 21972

Minolta 20042

Mitsubishi 20067, 20043, 20807

Motorola 20035, 20048

MTC 20000

Multitech 20000

NEC 20067

Nikko 20037

Niveus Media 21972

Northgate 21972

Olympus 20035

Optimus 21062, 20162, 20037, 20048, 20593

Orion 20184, 21479

Panasonic 21062, 20035, 20162, 20225, 20614, 20616, 21035

Penney 20035, 20037, 20042, 21035, 21237

Pentax 20042

Philco 20035

Philips 20035, 20081, 20618, 20739

Pilot 20037

Pioneer 20067

Polk Audio 20081

Presidian 21593

Proscan 20060, 21060

Pulsar 20039

Quasar 20035, 20162, 21035

RadioShack 20000

Radix 20037

Randex 20037


RCA 20060, 20042, 20149, 20807, 20880, 21035, 21060

Realistic 20035, 20037, 20048, 20047, 20000

Ricavision 21972

Runco 20039

Samsung 20045, 20739, 21014

Sanky 20048, 20039

Sansui 20000, 20067, 21479

Sanyo 20047

Scott 20184, 20045, 20121, 20043

Sears 20035, 20037, 20047, 20000, 20042, 21237

Sharp 20048, 20807

Sony 20035, 20032, 20033, 20000, 20636, 21232, 21972

Stack 9 21972

STS 20042

Sylvania 20035, 20081, 20000, 20043, 20593, 21593, 21781

Symphonic 20000, 20593, 21593

Systemax 21972

Tagar Systems 21972

Teac 20000

Technics 20035, 20162

Teknika 20035, 20037, 20000

Thomas 20000


Toshiba 20045, 20043, 20845, 21008, 21145, 21972, 21996

Totevision 20037

Touch 21972

Vector 20045

Video Concepts 20045

Videomagic 20037

Viewsonic 21972

Villain 20000

Voodoo 21972

Wards 20060, 20035, 20048, 20047, 20081, 20000, 20042, 20149

XR-1000 20035, 20000

Zenith 20039, 20033, 20000, 21479

ZT Group 21972

Comcast Remote Setup Codes For TVs - Remotes with Red and Silver OK Buttons

Admiral 10093, 10463

Advent 10761, 10783, 10815, 10817, 10842, 11933

Aiko 10092

Akai 10812, 10702, 10030, 10672, 11903

Albatron 10700, 10843

America Action 10180

Anam 10180

Anam National 10055

AOC 10030

Apex Digital 10748, 10879, 10765, 10767, 10890

Audiovox 10451, 10180, 10092, 10623, 10802, 10875

Aventura 10171

Bell & Howell 10154

BenQ 11032

Bradford 10180

Broksonic 10236, 10463

Candle 10030

Carnivale 10030

Carver 10054

Celebrity 10000

Celera 10765

Changhong 10765

Citizen 10060, 10030, 10092

Clarion 10180


Commercial Solutions 11447, 10047

Contec 10180

Craig 10180

Crosley 10054

Crown 10180

Curtis Mathes 10047, 10054, 10154, 10451, 10093, 10060, 10702, 10030,

10145, 10166, 10466, 11147, 11347

CXC 10180

Daewoo 10451, 10092, 11661, 10623, 10661, 10672

Dell 11080, 11178

Denon 10145

Denstar 10628

Dumont 10017

Durabrand 10463, 10180, 10178, 10171, 11034

Electroband 10000

Electrograph 11755

Electrohome 10463

Emerson 10154, 10236, 10463, 10180, 10178, 10171, 10623, 11963

Envision 10030, 10813

ESA 10812, 10171, 11963

Fisher 10154, 10159

Fujitsu 10683, 10809, 10853

Funai 10180, 10171, 11271, 11963

Futuretech 10180

Gateway 11755, 11756

GE 11447, 10047, 10051, 10451, 10178, 10055, 11347

Gibralter 10017, 10030

Go Video 10886

GoldStar 10178, 10030

Grunpy 10180

Haier 11034, 10768

Hallmark 10178

Harman/Kardon 10054



Harvard 10180

Havermy 10093

Helios 10865

Hello Kitty 10451

Hewlett-Packard 11494, 11502

Hisense 10748

Hitachi 11145, 10145, 10151, 11960

Hyundai 10849

iLo 11990

Infinity 10054

Initial 11990

Insignia 10171, 11204, 11963, 12002

Inteq 10017

JBL 10054

JCB 10000

Jensen 10761, 10815, 10817, 11933

JVC 10053, 10731, 11253

KEC 10180

Kenwood 10030

KLH 10765, 10767

Konka 10628, 10707

Kost 11262

KTV 10180, 10030

LG 11265, 10178, 10700, 10856, 11178, 11758, 11993

Loewe 10136

LXI 10047, 10054, 10154, 10156, 10178

Magnavox 11454, 10054, 10030, 10706, 10187, 10386, 10802, 11198,

11254, 11963, 11990



Marantz 10054, 10030, 10704, 10855

Matsushita 10250, 10650

Maxent 11755

Megapower 10700

Megatron 10178, 10145

Memorex 10154, 10463, 10150, 10178

MGA 10150, 10178, 10030

Midland 10047, 10017, 10051

Mintek 11990

Mitsubishi 10093, 11250, 10150, 10178, 10836

Monivision 10700, 10843

Motorola 10093, 10055

MTC 10060, 10030

Multitech 10180

NAD 10156, 10178, 10866

NEC 10030, 11704

NetTV 11755

Nikko 10178, 10030, 10092

Norcent 10748, 10824

NTC 10092

Olevia 11144, 11240, 11331

Onwa 10180

Optimus 10154, 10250, 10166, 10650

Optoma 10887

Optonica 10093, 10165

Orion 10236, 10463, 11463

Panasonic 10250, 10051, 10055, 10650, 11291, 11941

Penney 10047, 10156, 10051, 10060, 10178, 10030, 11347

Petters 11523

Philco 10054, 10030

Philips 11454, 10054, 10690


Pilot 10030

Pioneer 10166, 10679, 10866

Polaroid 10765, 10865, 11262, 11276, 11314, 11341, 11523, 11991

Portland 10092

Prima 10761, 10783, 10815, 10817, 11933

Princeton 10700, 10717

Prism 10051

Proscan 11447, 10047, 11347

Proton 10178, 10466

Pulsar 10017

Quasar 10250, 10051, 10055, 10165, 10650

RadioShack 10047, 10154, 10180, 10178, 10030, 10165

RCA 11447, 10047, 10090, 10679, 11047, 11147, 11247, 11347,

11547, 11958, 12002

Realistic 10154, 10180, 10178, 10030, 10165

Runco 10017, 10030

Sampo 10030, 11755

Samsung 10060, 10812, 10702, 10178, 10030, 10766, 10814, 11060, 11903

Sansui 10463

Sanyo 10154, 10088, 10159

Scotch 10178

Scott 10236, 10180, 10178

Sears 10047, 10054, 10154, 10156, 10178, 10171, 10159

Sharp 10093, 10165, 10386, 11602

Sheng Chia 10093

Signet 11262

Simpson 10187

Sony 11100, 10000, 11317

Soundesign 10180, 10178

Squareview 10171

SSS 10180


Starlite 10180

Studio Experience 10843

Superscan 10093, 10864

Supreme 10000

SVA 10748, 10587, 10768, 10865, 10870, 10871, 10872

Sylvania 10054, 10030, 10171, 11271, 11314, 11963

Symphonic 10180, 10171

Syntax 11144, 11240, 11331

Tandy 10093

Tatung 10055, 11756

Technics 10250, 10051

Techview 10847

Techwood 10051

Teknika 10054, 10180, 10150, 10060, 10092

Telefunken 10702

TMK 10178

TNCi 10017



Toshiba 10154, 11256, 10156, 11265, 10060, 10650, 10845, 11156,

11356, 11656, 11704

TVS 10463

Vector Research 10030

Victor 10053

Vidikron 10054

Vidtech 10178

Viewsonic 10857, 10864, 10885, 11330, 11578, 11755

Vizio 10864, 10885, 11756, 11758

Wards 10054, 10178, 10030, 10165, 10866, 11156

Waycon 10156

Westinghouse 10885, 10889, 10890, 11282, 11577

White Westinghouse 10463, 10623

Yamaha 10030

Zenith 10017, 10463, 11265, 10178, 10092

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